Sunday, April 16, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Meet Me in Pueblo on Monday!

Want to hear some silliness (and a lot of history) about various quilt styles and textile events? Stop by the Pride City Quilt Guild's meeting in Pueblo -- I'll be there! 

Monday, April 17 --    Westminster Presbyterian Church  10 University Circle   Pueblo, CO
    Registration is at 9 a.m.; meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. 


 Last week was hazy, filled with work;  hours of practice and music for both Good Friday and Easter; bangs and crashes (the guest bathroom getting obliterated, thanks to Son #1);  frantic cleaning...and two house visits by a possible buyer. (She brought her husband the second time.) We're told they're interested. If the offer's reasonable, we're interested, too! 
     I have a lot of partially-completed projects -- now just have to finish them. But Pueblo comes first.

What Mr. Money Mustache does right -- and wrong.  You can learn a lot from this popular blogger, even when you don't agree with him.  (From White Coat Investor)

A creepy interview with a 12-year welfare recipient.  What's astonishing is her matter-of-fact answers to the questions she's asked. It is what it is...

Getting a bunch of strawberry plants from a few parent plants -- free!  I can't garden much right now, so enjoy this blogger's adventures even more.  (From Our Life in the Country)

Five-layer carrot cake -- with cream frosting, drizzled with salted caramel sauce. Oh my.  (From Betty Crocker)

Cheater prints...or 'Printed Patchwork,' as they were apparently called in the 19th century. History and LOTS of photos.  (From Barbara Brackman's Material Culture)

Gold coins found on a the desert!    If you're thinking Clive Cussler's Sahara at this should be.

The one-dollar prom outfit!  And it's lovely.  (From The Prudent Homemaker)

David Letterman's mom died. This sweet lady was 95; she died a day before Dave's 70th birthday.

Thriving at rock-bottom.  Another classic from yours truly...mostly about groceries.

Absolut does quilts. If you're curious about the designer behind the quilt on the Absolut bottle, meet Libs Elliott here.

Making pizza -- in the woods!   (From Urban Daddy) I realize this is an infomercial of sorts. (This one definitely is.) But I'm fascinated, nonetheless.

Fred Astaire, smooth-dancing during the 1970 Oscars. The man was 71! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though -- according to his wife, Astaire continued dancing until a few weeks before his death, more than a decade later.

A man gets run over by a deer...on April Fool's Day!  His family didn't believe him, until he got the surveillance footage. (I wouldn't have either, quite frankly.)

Another interesting twist to the Roanoke mystery. This one's jewelry-related. (From the Smithsonian)

A Tennessee woman insists that President Obama said we could ALL print our own money -- and does just that.  (She went to jail for it...but I'm impressed at her fervor.)

Ten incredible 'last photos.' Including shots from 9/11, Princess Diana's car crash...and Elvis' visit to the dentist.  (From Listverse)

Babies and dogs. A boatload of "awwwww" photos.   (From Dogsome)

Museum pasta salad.  Chicken, mandarin oranges, snow peas...ummm.  (From The Prudent Homemaker)

Homemade rose lotion.  Including helpful links for the ingredients.  Except I'd make mine lavender-scented.  (From The Herbal Spoon)

Two almost-identical applique quilts...that shouldn't be.  Attributed to two different quiltmakers; are they, or aren't they?  (By Alden O'Brien, from Barbara Brackman's blog.

If you're in the Pueblo area (pronounced "Peb-lo," for you outsiders), stop by and say hi! 

Have a great week.

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An Australian garrison in Tobruk during WWII that became infamous during an 8 month siege against an armored German/Italian Afrika corps. Th...