Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Snow!

    It's raining now, late Sunday night...but by morning, we're supposed to be hip-deep in white stuff. It's okay...after a weekend at the Mile-High Mystery Conference, I don't have to go anywhere for a day. 
    I'll be doing appraisal days at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, CO on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Curious about your quilt or other textile? Bring it by...I'd be glad to help.

The peaches are a treasured memory -- the Brick had his second peach pie, and we're finishing off the last wizened samples in the crisper. They'll be replaced by apples in a bit -- what apples don't fit in the cooler on the back deck. 
     The Brick heads out hunting this week with Daughter #2 and our friend Tommy. I'll stay home to hold the fort, and get caught up on work. Meanwhile:

Use what you've got to decorate for Autumn.  (From The Nester)

Some very yummy cheese-on-toast variations.  (From Sudden Lunch)

A 107-square foot home, that's stylish and livable? Yes, if it's this one.  (From Domino)

Tom Petty's life, in photos. We lost this iconic rocker to a heart attack last week.

13 ways you're getting less for your money, product-wise. Thicker beer glasses?!?  (From Cracked)

Turkey rice krispie treats. Ya gotta start thinking about this holiday...I could see a stary-eyed ghost version of this, as well.  (From Shugary Sweets)

"Frugal Kitchen Things I've been doing."  (From Penniless Parenting)

Black belt tightwad ideas. They range all over, but are worth reading. (From Stretcher)

An interview with Mr. Money Mustache. If you don't read this guy's blog, you're missing something.

Twenty life hacks that are weird -- but usually work.   (From Cracked)

Seventeen pilots -- who are also celebrities.  (From The Balance) Also: Fred "Mister" Rogers, Chuck Norris and Jimmy Stewart.

"My secret way to get things done."  (From Vickie's Kitchen and Garden) I'm enjoying this Michigan blogger's take on things.

Does butter have to stay in the fridge? Not necessarily. (I keep saying this to the Brick -- maybe he'll agree now...)

The time I intentionally overdrew our checking accountI'm not recommending this, but considering the alternatives... (From Go Curry Cracker)

Twenty-five healthy, versatile foods to buy all the time.  But especially on sale!  (From The Simple Dollar)

Have a great week. Stop by and say hi while I'm in Golden!

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.