Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Goodbye, Chickens

It's time for them to go.

We're all out of feed. I bought 20 pounds of birdseed, and have been giving them that sparingly, along with pumpkins neighbors kindly gave us. 
      Not that they're any more grateful, though they love the birdseed.

Gratitude is irrelevant, Missy!

Out of 13 chickens, they only lay an egg every other day or so...if we're lucky. Which made Sunday's offering even more surprising:  two whole eggs!
      Do they know what's coming?

This has been the Week of the Flies. For some weird reason, we've been inundated with big black ones -- and averaging about 25 kills a day. Winter is hovering close by: do the flies know what's coming, as well?

Our local Wal-Mart has its Christmas section up and in full rush. The only thing lacking (and I'm sure that's coming soon) is constant holiday music. (I did have fun picking out little trees for the next Bigfoot terrarium, and playing with the little village figures.)

A 9News report on the Bigfoot conference I attended recently. I'm in the big audience photo -- but with my back to you. (Ha)

Spooky Eyes in the Bushes -- an easy, scary effect revisited for Halloween.  (an old favorite from Frugal Upstate)

Ten people with surprising (and secret) multiple families. Not including Lindbergh, surprisingly.  (From Listverse)

An oldie but goodie:  Debt -- or No Debt?   (From yours truly) Another classic:

All sorts of Christmas and other occasion gift ideas -- fast, frugal and easily made.

"Always getting ready:" a word poem to autumn and the coming winter, beautifully written.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

The biggest wave ever recorded off the Irish coast, thanks to Ophelia: 85.6 feetMore about this storm, as well...considered the strongest East Atlantic storm since the 1800s. (Thanks for the heads-up, Irish Central.)

Anne Frank's family may not have been betrayed, after all.  This one's a bit of a shocker, but is possible.  (From Smithsonian)

A BUNCH of dinner specials and other bargains...including meal specials at Outback and Olive Garden, and a free $5 giftcard from Target when you shop for Halloween there. Most don't need coupons, but you'll want to double-check.  (Thank you, Be Frugal.)

Ten objects and places seemingly untouched by timeIncluding a 106-year-old fruitcake!  (C'mon, Gentle Readers, I know you can make the best of that revelation from Listverse.) Another entry in the 'slow' category:

Ten flowers that take a long time to bloom. As in years. Decades. Centuries, even.

A beautiful princess cake, from Tina Madrid at Sweet Nothings Bakery. (Her Facebook page is here.)  Even the tiara is edible!

A prepper's Dollar Store trip, stocking up.  Not a bad idea to be prepared for emergencies the frugal way. (From Living Life in Rural Iowa)

Some of the most unusual (and poignant) wedding photos out there.  (From Huffington Post)

Planning ahead to save money.  (From The Frugal Queen)

The most underrated science fiction movies of the past 15 years. Some real gems here. I am wondering, though -- why do nearly all have single-word titles?  (From Looper)

Stupid decisions (seven and counting) made by the Walking Dead. Personally, I'd add the Negan beatdowns in the Season 7 premiere. The camera seemed to be loving the horror and the gore, rather than just recording it. I've never felt the same again about this series. Abraham is STILL missed. (And no, the flashbacks about him don't help.)

A Bigfoot found burned in the 1990s during a Battle Mountain forest fire? (This was mentioned during the conference I attended. Shades of the BFRO report  --  Also in the 90s...hmmm.)

In keeping with that, six very weird unsolved mysteries.  (From Cracked)

Here's another mystery. Prior to last year's election,  Russian 'troll' factories were paying U.S.-based activists to put on protests. It wasn't for pro-Trump demonstrations, either -- they focused primarily on race relations, Texan independence and gun control! Wonder what those Russians were up to...

Another mystery: why did the couple who've been held hostage for years reappear with so many children? Because they wanted to start a family early, says the husband.  (Hmmm...not having access to birth control had nothing to do with it, right...)

Loonies and toonies.  (From Things I Find in the Garbage. Btw, he did.)

Twelve Boxcar Children books...for only $3.79?!  Yes, thanks to Kindle and Amazon. Prices may change quickly -- buy these classics right away, if you're interested. I loved these stories of the kids who ran away, and lived in a boxcar out in the woods. (For a while, that is.)

and finally, this police blotter tidbit, shades of Things I Don't Understand, courtesy of Len Penzo:

  • A man reported that a squirrel 
was running in circles on Davis Drive, and he wasn’t sure if it was sick or had been hit by a car. An 
officer responded, and as he drove on the street...he ran over the squirrel.
Have a great week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.