Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Really Unusual Wreath...And More

If you've got extra decorative cups and saucers -- or a thrift shop nearby that's selling them for pennies -- this wreath is for you.

Its maker calls it a 'tea totaler' wreath . Click on the  Hometalk link for instructions on how to make it.

Friend Laura Levigne sent me the link to this; she said it reminded her of my "hankie pankies." What a girl!

I really want to finish up the sequel to this book, which is currently out of print, and going for big bucks on Amazon. Soon, Dear Readers, soon...

I keep thinking of these other teacup crafts too, via Pinterest.

From -- this is pretty with clear glass and wineglasses, too.

From Cleverly Inspired
Or dispense with the cups and go right to the pot for an unusual windchime, thanks to ZellesAttic via Flickr. A Shabby Chic approach -- but lovely.

Thank you, Laura, for getting me started on this!

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.