Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December Snow...And A Birthday Guy

It's snowing.

Wet, messy flakes are freezing and giving the streets a slippery coat. The Brick drove home from choir practice tonight, fortunately -- even the heavy truck slid around a bit. For safety's sake, I put my errands off until tomorrow morning. Ever since we sold the Outback, the truck and I are cohabiting...but we're still not at ease with each other. I'm not confident on ice, either, particularly since our neighbor's son totalled his car during the last snowstorm. (Our hill is steep, and he couldn't keep himself from sliding.)

It sure is pretty, though.

From leave-me-colourless via midwestern darling...and fresh farmhouse

Take a look at Fresh Farmhouse's Tumblr page... it has some of the most peaceful mix of pine branches, trees, snowflakes and quiet holiday celebrations that will make your heart glad.

Colorado Ponderosa pine -- from photorator.com via Pinterest

P.S. Today (Dec. 4) is Brother's birthday... Happy Birthday, and many more from your big sister, who cares a great deal about you. Have fun on your special day.

From bumpsmitten.com, via Pinterest

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