Last night, we invited friends over for dessert.
Then the Brick got an early Christmas present.
A Worship Team friend made a visit -- with her harp! Candlelight playing on the intent faces of people we love, and music swirling over and around us. Trinity played for more than an hour, all sorts of Christmas carols -- it was wonderful.
If you know someone who plays well, consider asking them for a private concert. Their fees are usually quite reasonable, and it's an unusual surprise for a music-lover. The Brick loved it. Our friends loved it. I did, too.
Typing this afternoon in a reasonably-clean house is an extra pleasure. But I still have reports to finish -- and The Mama's room to clean up before tomorrow. (The Brick will be putting up our tree -- a $9.81 buy from Sam's Club.)
Better get to it. Meanwhile:
J.D. Roth's European trip -- mid-visit. Makes me wistful for Austria, where I lived during a summer in college, with cousins Tim and Joanie. And the real Christkindl Markts.
"Baby, It's Cold Outside" goes back on the charts! Actually, on Sirius it never came off...we've been hearing it a lot. (Is its frequency an unconscious 'stuff you' comment being made by the programming staff? And why aren't people fussing about 'Santa Baby,' which is just as sexy?)
Update: One station, in protest, plays the song for two solid hours. Nonstop.
A man discovers his toothbrush holder is a 4,000-year-old pot, as well. Whoops.
The biggest yellow diamond ever -- discovered in Canada.
Is this American really Princess Diana's aunt? She says so. Yet another chapter in the 'blood is thicker than water' book.
Weird stuff people found while cleaning up after a friend's or family member's death. Some real doozies here.
"My favorite Vlogmas channels." If you enjoy knitting and the glories of yarn, these Youtube channels are for you. (From Diary of A Stay-at Home Mom)
Geographic arbitrage. Weird name, intriguing way of saving.
Two climbers' bodies are found in the Himalayas -- thirty years after they disappeared. A roll of film was found on one body -- hopefully, it can be processed. Shades of George Mallory...
Another entry from the Department of "Missing, Now Found:" Bones found in a basement turn out to be those of a man who supposedly walked out on his family in 1961. His son used the services of radar imaging...and a psychic.
An intriguing interview with Bruce Springsteen: "All you need to do is risk being yourself." From the interview:
Some people might say, “What are you talking about? You’re Bruce f--- Springsteen! How do you not know who you are?”
He drops his chin into his chest and then smiles and looks up. “Bruce f--- Springsteen is a creation. So it’s somewhat liquid—even though at this point you would imagine I have it pretty nailed down. But sometimes not’re in search of things like everybody else. Identity is a slippery thing no matter how long you’ve been at it. Parts of yourself can appear—like, whoa, who was that guy? Oh, he’s in the car with everybody else, but he doesn’t show his head too often... At the end of the day, identity is a construct we build to make ourselves feel at ease and at peace and reasonably stable in the world...In being, there’s a whole variety of wild and untamed things that remain in us. You bump into those in the night, and you can scare yourself.”
Fruity baked oatmeal. Maybe a holiday morning dish? (From The Frugal Girl)A bunch of recipes -- 42 of them -- that start with frozen meatballs. (From Taste of Home)
Ten recipes for busy times -- each takes less than 30 minutes. (From Cheapskate Cook)
The best cooking advice you've ever received. Dozens of answers via Quora.
Tunnels discovered in Ybor City, FL. I love a good tunnel story.
A rat in the vending machine! I'll bet they threw out all of those chip bags...
All sorts of DIY seasoning mixes. Think Christmas presents. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)
Crusader-era gold coins found in Israel.
Some interesting Crusader-related discoveries have been made during the past years, including some interesting 900-year-old jewelry, found in a Crusader castle.
Insanely cool pictures taken by drones.
Debt IS an emergency! (From Mr. Money Mustache)
Gift ideas the the non-crafty person can make. (From Living Richly in Retirement)
The best life hacks for poor people. Tons of Reddit contributions here... and some good advice. (Skip all the stuff about drugs and scoring cheap marijuana, and you'll get through it even faster. As one person pointed out, the people who didn't smoke kept their minds clear enough to figure a way out of poverty --the others smoked to forget it. Which would you prefer?)
A copycat version of Arby's Sauce. I loooovvve Arby's Sauce. (From Bachelor on the Cheap)
Both Charley and Ruby 'attended' the concert last night. Ruby, unimpressed, made the rounds ot the audience to be petted and admired. Charley, on the other hand, spent most of his time lying close to the harp, licking himself and panting. Then he hauled out a bone and started gnawing on it. The stinker.
Hey, either you're a music-lover...or you're not. |
"Too bad he can't chew in time to the music," friend Jon commented.
Have a good week.

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