Saturday, December 15, 2018

Holiday Things I REALLY Don't Understand

After an afternoon of trying to do errands, I need more silliness.

Holiday-related things I REALLY don't understand.

First stop today was the post office, which was jammed. Why? Because the machine in the lobby had a broken faceplate. (Someone punched it, the clerk told me.) A brand-new system, introduced smack dab in the middle of the holidays. On a machine that was nearly impossible to make work properly. (I know. I tried, before someone else expressed their opinion about it.) 
    So instead of two ways to get your stamps, everyone had to stand in line. Kudos to whatever P.O. genius came up with that decision.

Next was King Soopers, which was equally busy. I felt a little better, coming out -- particularly when I passed Mrs. Santa, dressed for the day with green and red-striped tights, with two of her kid elves tagging along. (Husband, coming in behind, was not dressed for the occasion.)

    So that's where they go before Christmas Eve.

(You know how much I enjoy these weird bits, anyways. On with the show.)

This National Lampoon Christmas Vacation decoration has caused plenty of consternation.

No doubt you'll get your wish...

Personally, I prefer animal conflicts on all my Christmas cards.

 One of those cool mugs that shows a different scene after it heats up. Only...

So THAT's where you put your tree, when you're not sure...

Gingerbread house before...

Gingerbread House after (darn icing, anyway)

Ice marbles before... you make them with balloons.

Ice marbles after -- or maybe this is a crime scene.

I'm guessing this has something to do with El Caganer, otherwise known as The Squatter.
Just seems to fit with the next holiday display.   (Yes, I'm being rude.)

Update: When 'Mitchell Is Moving' moved his blog last month, El Caganer didn't go with him! 
Here's the post, in case you're curious.

Rudolph fall down go boom...

I don't even want to know.

What IS Santa doing to those pancakes?

Underpants Christmas lights.

Thanks, Bored Panda, Good Housekeeping, Bestlife Online and Huffington Post, for contributing to the lunacy.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries