Sunday, January 27, 2019

Did Bigfoot Rescue A Little Boy?

Casey Hathaway is safe, thank God.

The three-year-old was lost for days in the woods near his grandmother's home, in cold and rainy weather that hampered the search.

Finally, he was found, still in the woods. He was scratched up, cold and wet, but okay. The little guy spent a day in a hospital bed, eating Cheetos, chicken nuggets and watching Paw Parol.

So how did he survive?

According to his aunt, Breanna Hathaway, on Facebook:

"He said he hung out with a bear for two days," she wrote. "God sent him a friend to keep him safe. God is (a) good God. Miracles do happen."

And she's right.

Casey told the same story to his rescuers. "He didn't say how he was able to survive and all that," Craven County Sheriff Chip Hughes said. "He did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear that was with him."

A bear?!?

They hibernate this time of year. And bears aren't exactly known for their hospitality to little kids. This expert says the kid must have imagined the whole thing, since this isn't typical ursine behavior.

Could it have been someone else known to be big, brown and hairy? 
Ask the kid if that 'bear' spent a lot of time walking around on two legs...those creatures are known to express curiosity about children. Could the Big Guy have shown more than that, in this case?

Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) is known to frequent North Carolina...but no reports have been posted for Craven County on the BFRO website (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization). Plenty of other reports are on the list, though none close to that county. (In a particularly odd twist, Onslow County, where the Brick grew up, has one of the largest group of sightings in the state. The Brick, BTW, is skeptical about the existence of the Big Guy.)

I'd love to hear the rest of the story. So would BF researchers elsewhere around the country.


Read more here:

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries