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Is this really our world at present?
If I didn't know better, I'd guess that some of the shenanigans being currently unveiled were from much younger people. (I.e., kindergartners.) Arguments, insults, tantrums and silliness...is this really our political system? Here are my current favorites, from last week:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and company, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHUTDOWN, plan to quietly leave on an Afghanistan trip. (To do what? Oh right, 'visit the troops.' Turns out she's been there a number of times.) Their luxury Air Force jet is cancelled by President Trump -- as a moneysaving measure, he says. (She and the rest of the delegation can still use commercial travel -- just not the government jet.)
I'd be a monkey's uncle if I didn't think this was partly a slapback at Pelosi's claim that Trump shouldn't do a State of the Union speech -- because the shutdown can't guarantee adequate security. After all, he can bully on the playground just as much as she can.
She responded in true kindergartner fashion by alleging that he canceled the jet almost to let terrorists know how the delegation would be traveling. (So they could get 'em, wink wink. Which is ridiculous.)
By the way, the delegation decided not to go. Could it be that increasingly-stretched furloughed government employees, not to mention the rest of the country, wouldn't quiiiite understand why they were jetting off, when they should be staying to work things out?
The good senator's use of the Gulfstream jet, though okayed legally, has been anything but frugal: more than two million dollars in a two-year period. (You who don't believe that -- look at the facts.) This, from an enormously wealthy woman who has not only flown on the government's dime many times -- but can't seem to stay in D.C. long enough to get things done. (When this whole mess started, she was vacationing at a luxury Hawaii resort.)
Was she in town this weekend? Uhhh... nope. (She had to fly commercial, poor girl. How much do you wanna bet it wasn't coach?)
Granted, President Trump has not helped matters by responding with insults to many received (and perceived) insults. I've never seen the bombastic approach work yet. (Mr. President, STOP TWEETING.)
But he hasn't left Washington.
And he paid out of his own pocket for the fast-food repast the Clemson Tigers enjoyed during their recent visit. (That generosity has been quietly downplayed, too.)
It's time to resolve this. As the Brick is fond of saying, 'Fish or cut bait, people.'
Okay (panting in frustration)....must calm down.
This week's 'stuff' includes a fair amount of recipes, for some strange reason. It's not like I'm cooking more -- because I'm not. Oh, for a housekeeper to bring me afternoon tea and crumpets, then cook supper, as well as vacuum. I'll even clean toilets for her/him...
On to life, such as it is. (Yes, I've posted this on Sunday -- we all need a laugh or something before the weekend ends.)
London Fog latte. If you like Earl Grey tea, you'll love this. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)
President Trump's favorite foods.
Low-carb pizza crust. But you have to REALLY like cheese. (From Vickie's Kitchen & Garden)
Very cool backstories on famous movie plot twists. (From Listverse)
Going deeper in 2019 -- particularly using up those craft supplies! (From Living Richly in Retirement)
Ten legendary treasures that are still waiting to be found. So it continues... (From Listverse)
What it's like to celebrate Christmas with little kids in tow. And if you're not laughing, you've never had kids. (From the Frugalwoods)
Carol Channing died last week. She was 97. Whenever I think of her, I also think of this:
"...military men had the “relatively highest number of requests, directions, or admonitions,” while philosophers (who included mathematicians and educators) had the most “questions, answers, and exclamations.” The religious and royalty used the most words to express contentment or discontentment, while the artists and scientists used the fewest."
Eighty ways to make money on the side in 2019. (From Making Sense of Cents)
Tony Mendez, the man behind the Argo rescue, died recently. I just read his book, and watched the movie again -- a thoughtful, surprisingly modest take on the whole situation.
Have you seen the video where the Native American vet, drumming and chanting, confronts a group of rude American boys, some wearing red Trump hats? Pathetic, right...how could they be so mean?
Well, according to Nick Sandmann, the 'rudest' front-and-center boy, the reality of the situation was nothing like that. Other videos, taken at the same time but longer both in time and perspective, back him up. (Here's his written statement, which is admittedly difficult to read. This recap is easier.)
Other videos show the students are the ones being abused verbally, with one especially targeted.
Nathan Phillips, the chanting drummer, on the other hand, says he's been targeted before, and this was just more of same. He felt so threatened that he was thinking of finishing his song on the Lincoln Memorial steps, instead.
Did Phillips push his way into the crowd, and drum 'mere centimeters' from the kid's face, deliberately trying to provoke him? Or did the students get everything they were asking for? (One also wonders if some of the fuss wouldn't have been there, if many of the students weren't wearing Trump ball caps. Not that the media would do that...a friend this morning pointed out that those caps looked brand new. Did someone pass them out at the Capitol?)
UPDATE: What -- more people actually saying that the students weren't rascist, after all?!? Including (gasp) journalists?!? (Actually, I applaud their courage. It takes guts to admit you might not have had the full story when you first reacted.)
And Mr. Phillips' past is not exactly squeaky-clean, either. Turns out, just two days later, he's now actively fundraising to help compensate the horrible way he was treated by the boys. (I'm just sayin.') FURTHER UPDATE: His claim to be 'Marine Recon Ranger' in Vietnam is also now being questioned. Turns out that he was in the Marines 1972- 76...but the Marines pulled out of Vietnam before he even enlisted. Go figure. UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Phillips now says that he was trying to peaceably defuse two groups screaming at each other: black protesters (who are heard yelling on the longer video) and the Catholic high school kids. He now wants to meet with the kids to discuss racial harmony.
So who's telling the truth? You decide. Obviously the "don't jump to conclusions quickly" rule applies here. Big-time.
Amazing what different videos -- and viewpoints -- can produce.
Ten people who were sure they saw a mermaid. Including Captain John Smith, Pocahantas' buddy. (From Listverse)
Minnehaha Falls' Ice Cave
Here's another view of this waterfall near Minneapolis, MN.
A former CNN Journalist of the Year resigns -- turns out he's been faking stories for years. (More here on specifics.) Oops.
McDonald's just lost the right to a very important trademark lawsuit -- it no longer can argue it alone can use the 'Big Mac' moniker.
Moments when it all went wrong -- a photographic gallery.
Rembrandt's secret ingredient for giving his work a realistic appearance -- turns out it's being used to set bright colors in car painting.
53 rare (and unusual) old photos.
More unusual vintage photos -- this time of people and pets.
30 well-known landmarks with odd secrets. (From Cracked) More weird stuff here, including DIA's looming blue stallion. ("Welcome to Denver -- bwahahahaah!")
Tiramisu, Olive-Garden-style. Sara Felton, old friend from Quilter's Newsletter, this is for you. (From Taste of Home)
The strange beauty secrets some of the world's most beautiful women have relied on. And no, it's not blood... (From Listverse)
Top baby names for 2018. And they're not what you'd think, either.
First Lady fashion -- from the past six decades.
Tuna melt tostadas -- fast! (From The Weary Chef)
Why lefthanded people are just all-around great. I read this to the Brick, and he laughed! (Yes, I am a leftie, one of the very few in my extended family.)
Navajo tacos -- easy and a nice change from regular tacos. (From Diary of a Stay At Home Mom)
Update: After I initially posted this, I read that Sen. Joni Ernst has introduced a bill to keep members of Congress IN TOWN until important things (like the national budget) are resolved -- or at the least, require them to appear in session twice daily.
It's being called the 'No Budget, No Recess' Act -- or the 'Pelosi Rule.'
“Hardworking Iowans, and Americans across the country are sick and tired of government shutdowns, continuing resolutions and massive omnibus spending bills,” the Iowa senator said in a statement last Thursday, the day that she unveiled her bill to the public.
“This dysfunctional cycle is not the way our government was designed to function or should function. If we fail to pass a budget and spending bills, we should stay in town and work together until we get the job done.”
What a concept!
Have a great week.
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I know... don't have a cow about all this gov'ment stuff. |
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