Colorado is beautiful covered with a snowy veil. But it's also a tad dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.
Am I the only one wondering why we suddenly don't hear anything about the immigrant caravan at the Tijuana border?
A new and much larger immigrant caravan is set to start from Honduras Jan. 15. This leaves the old group, still milling around the Mexican Tijuana border, in the lurch -- according to the article, their organizers have "largely disappeared." Many are not sure what to do next. (surprise, surprise)
The Greeley Tribune is now printing four days a week, instead of seven -- for the first time since 1870. It joins other Colorado midsize papers (Grand Junction and Durango) who've decided on the same action.
For a writer, particularly one who's been involved with newspapers before, this is scary business. Even the venerable Denver Post combined with the Rocky Mountain News, then shut the News down some years ago. Although the Post is still up and running, it decimated its own staff recently.
How are national parks dealing with the government shutdown? Let's put it this way -- not well. But there also seem to be a fair amount of crass, rude people out there taking advantage of the situation, as well.
In case you're wondering, Rocky Mountain National Park is still open to foot and bicycle traffic, but vehicles are limited, due to snow conditions. From the 'Lapse in Appropriations' page:
" No visitor services will be provided. Services that require staffing and maintenance, such as snow plowing, entrance stations, the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center, the Kawuneeche Visitor Center, Moraine Park Campground, and some restroom facilities will not be operating. Roads that are already open will remain open, weather and road conditions permitting. Park staff will not issue permits, conduct educational programs, collect trash, maintain restrooms, maintain roads or walkways in the event of snow or ice, or provide visitor information. "
After all, it IS winter around here.
A wonderful Christmas in Spain. (From Moving with Mitchell, one of my favorite travel bloggers)
Twelve freebies to take advantage of. (From Frugal Family Fun)
Five lessons learned from making a FIRE documentary. (From Get Rich Slowly) Read that, then go on to:
Why Suze Orman hates the FIRE movement. Frankly, I don't think she really understands what it is, at this point, at least. (She's since recanted some statements.) Thanks, Afford Anything.
Another blogger decides on a 'no-spend year.' Well, with certain reservations... (From Live Well, Love Much)
"Starting late, but retiring rich:" a couple's financial profile from Choose FI.
Five beauty treatments you can do at home, including Preparation H and... cat litter! (From Everyday Cheapskate)
Eight DIY Murphy beds. They save space, and making them yourself saves money. (From Knockoff Decor)
The world's oldest woman, a French citizen who died at 122...may not have been. Oh well, at least now she knows firsthand about...
Ten intriguing gravestones. (From Listverse) Also from them:
Ten artifacts and places that seem frozen in time. Including a centuries-old... fruitcake! (And no holiday jokes here.)
25 practical life hacks for women -- the pantyline and slipping bra strap tips are great!
A look back at 2018 -- from one of my Australian quilter buddies. (Thanks, News from Jude)
Six deKoonings (and hundreds of other paintings) found in an abandoned storage locker -- and resold for big bucks.
One of the scariest said-to-be-haunted houses in Denver, CO...and the inspiration for the movie The Changeling. (Don't worry -- the mansion was torn down decades ago.)
Selfies and art -- not always a smart combination! In keeping with this:
Ten famous works of art that were damaged. Pretty much permanently.
The tourist who tried on a $44,000 jade bracelet -- and broke it. Yeowch. Boy, was that bad luck...
Have a great week. And be careful out there.

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