Thursday, February 21, 2019

Keeping On

The Brick's birthday, successfully enjoyed. (Except for a few suppers out, still to come.)

Projects, all in various stages of completion. We've got so many balls in the air right now.

Don't drop anything!  Charley & Ruby would love this...

Chilly and often dreary.  (Unusual for Colorado's general blue skies)
All sorts of 'incidents and allegations,' Jussie Smollett and otherwise. It's weird when I hear all about it -- and I don't even watch Empire. Not only that -- someone somewhere will be asserting that it's not a hoax. It must be 'true' because it's happened to someone somewhere else at some time in recorded history.    After all, fake accusations have NEVER happened before.
                                                                What a mess.

Thanks,, for expressing it so well.

The rest I'm getting isn't good -- tossing, full of strange dreams. The Brick says I'm kicking a lot. 
(I'm sure you've gone through this at times in life. We all do.)
I keep reminding myself:

Upward and onward.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.