Saturday, February 23, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Back On My Feet

Friday afternoon, I was walking to a restaurant when I slipped off a curb; wobbled, and *BAM* landed on my hands and knees in the snowy parking lot.
    My balance is somewhat uneasy nowadays, thanks to a nagging ear infection. Darn it.
Thankfully, I fell right in front of a rowdy group of guys, coming out after lunch. They scooped me up, found my glasses and asked in concern if I was okay.
    "Just embarrassed," I muttered. 

The strange thing: other than the usual bruises and stiffness, the accident seems to have done my knee some good! It actually feels better than it has for a while. Is that possible??

At least it wasn't as bad as this. (I hope they lived.)

This will be a strange week, in some ways, activity-wise...but I'm definitely picking up speed in the "Department of Progress." And that is wonderful. Hopefully you're gaining some feistiness back, too.
     By the way:  visits to the blog are up considerably! Thank you, Gentle Readers, for spreading the word. It's much appreciated.

So what does the 24-year-old ISIS mom thinks she deserves, for all her violent tweets against Americans? "Therapy time" -- which the U.S. would pay for. (P.S. She wants to return to America with no jail time, too, now that she and her child have run out of food.) The official response from the State Department: "No way."

Weird developments that accompanied historical events. Like a European town's memorial for...a latrine. (They thought it was a war grave.) Thanks, Cracked, for the history lesson. Ya liked those?

Here are twenty more.

A whole boatload of ways to subtly mess with people.  (From Quora)

"Losing arguments with your wife after she has brain surgery." A very funny commentary from Jim Gaffigan.

From the Department of "Really?!?," the strange case of the guy who finds a woman inside his house, wearing his wife's clothes. Apparently she moved in, kids in tow, while he was at work.

Analysis of a Viking warrior's grave: the warrior was female.

A number of interesting Viking-related discoveries have been made in recent years, including a sword found by an 8-year-old in the muddy edge of a Swedish lake;   and a jewelry find at the site of a Scottish fort burned by Vikings.

If you're not into Viking stuff, try:

Thirteen bizarre items washed up on beaches. ...including giant squid and a robot hand! Kewl.

Everything you've practically ever wanted to know about various celebrity wills and estates.  I understand...I'm nosey, too. (From The Balance)

Did you know that Swedish crown jewels were stolen last year? Nope, me neither, but one of the guys who did was just sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison.

For the Coloradoans who read this post:  CU's 2019 Shakespeare Festival lineup. *Gasp,* men are playing the 'male' parts, and women the 'female' parts! Of course, back in Shakespeare's day, young boys played the female parts. Go figure. 

'How we pulled off a no-spend weekend, even in the dead of winter.' (From She Picks Up Pennies)

Some good bookmarks on this blog to read -- when you've got time.  (From Budgets Are Sexy)

Ten cents a year for 99 years -- that's what the Obama Foundation would pay for the Chicago waterfront park land it wants to build on. (So far, a judge has ruled that Protect Our Parks, a group opposing it, has a right to continue their lawsuit.) Sounds amazingly similar to other Chicago political shenanigans over the decades -- they're famous for it.

Prices have doubled in Haiti, after weeks of anti-government protests. Wonder why we haven't heard more about this?

Politicians with high bank balances. Sadly, there's a lot of them on both sides of the politicial spectrum. How did 15 of them make their money? Go here.

High-end IKEA dresser hacks.  Great decorating ideas for less $$. (I wish I'd seen that bathroom cupboard version before we remodeled.)

Maybe fear SHOULD motivate your financial outlook.  (From I Pick Up Pennies)

Have a good week. Stay upright!


Barb said...

I wish there was a way to rescue the poor innocent kid and leave mom where she is.

Cindy Brick said...

You mean... leave her to what she got herself into??

Me too, Barbara. Me too. Thanks for writing.

Cindy Brick said...

Maybe the grandparents can take the baby...


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.