Monday, February 25, 2019

Oscar, We Salute You!

 Once again, our world has been deluged with Oscar, including the good, bad and just plain weird.

Were you surprised by the winners...and losers?  

The 2019 winners are here.  Congratulations, Green Book! We thought this movie was wonderful...although Viggo Mortensen should have won for Best Actor. (That guy was AMAZING.)

Black Panther won a well-deserved spot for Costume Design. (Also amazing. The fights were good, too -- but you don't give Academy Awards for fight choregraphy. Too bad.) At least A Star Was Born won for a song. (Poor old Lady GaGa.)
     I still think A Quiet Place was cheated out. Then again, who in Hollywood listens to yours truly.

The 2018 winners are here, as well as previous years. Some surprises in those years, too. I don't think many people thought The Shape of Water would win in 2018. It's a curious movie -- amazing in some ways and strange in others. It wasn't a moneymaker -- The first weekend of Black Panther's earnings beat out its entire run.

And here are  10 embarrassing Oscar mistakes. Oops.

 If you're a costume admirer, you'll also enjoy the sexiest Oscar dresses of all time, all 27 of them. Surprisingly, most are not nearly as revealing as some shown on the red carpet. Ample proof that  'suggestion' can often be sexier than actuality.

Now, to watch some of the award-winning movies I never heard of before this.

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