Monday, January 25, 2021

George...and Jerry

 I just got a set of ribbons you need to see.

Presidential ribbons have been of special interest since I first noticed them stitched into Crazy quilts. But this set was meant to stand on its own. 

George Washington...and Gerald Ford.

(The Washington ribbon, I believe, is a repro from Centennial days -- i.e., 1876.)

Jerry Ford was our congressman for decades while I was growing up in the Grand Rapids area of Michigan. He was one of the very few politicians that had a reputation for honesty, regardless of whether it benefitted him or was 'politically correct' -- or not. (Doesn't that fit the man who had the courage to pardon Richard Nixon, because he felt a trial would tear the country apart?)

For some weird reason, a lot of people are selling political memorabilia on Ebay right now. (Maybe to pay their rent?) I'll have more George textiles and ribbons for you to look at later in the week. Maybe another Jerry one, too.

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Don't Get Discouraged...

 one was too big, one was too small...