Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Vice President Mike Pence's Letter which he makes it clear that his oath was taken to uphold and protect the Constitution -- and the American people.

The full letter is below.  (Thank you, Liberty Nation, for posting it.)

More on this here. You should be very proud of this man's courage and determination, in the face of what must be incredible pressure. No, President Trump, Pence didn't do this because he "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done." He did it because he had the moral strength to do what was right.

    I am proud to say he represents me. And us.


Unknown said...

I so admire this man for his calm demeanor and steadfast faith!

Cindy Brick said...

And he's taken plenty more guff, with Nancy Pelosi and others insisting he initiate the 25th Amendment. Which he's said he will not do. It would be so easy -- it would get him 'in' with the crowd yelling for Trump's head. IT WOULD MAKE HIM PRESIDENT.

Yet he won't, in spite of his Supreme Commander turning on him.

Honest confession: I could not stomach voting for either Trump or Biden this election. I wrote in Mike Pence's name and voted for him, instead. He would make a fine President.

Thanks so much for writing.


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