Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Parenthood

     We've had a wonderful time, having the kids here. 

     Daughter #2, Son #1 and Daughter #1 all flew into the Grand Rapids airport on Wednesday. Gee, we were glad to see them -- Michigan can get a bit dreary this time of year, and they were literally a breath of fresh Colorado air. We haven't done much, except be together and spend time with The Mama, but it was just what we (and she) needed. Two kids left Saturday, but Daughter #1 flies out of Chicago tomorrow. It means a 3-hour trip to take her there, but we can talk all the way. 

     The Mama's Christmas tree is up, thanks to the kids, and her room decorated. It looks lovely...and, I suspect, helps her cope with living there, as well. We're now mostly moved into her house from the increasingly-chilly fifth-wheel. We plan to put our own tree up -- as soon as I can find the Christmas ornaments in storage!

'Calfie' sits out in The Mama's rose garden. It's edged with snow now.


Christmas decorating ideas -- 21 of them.

"Hard times don't take a Christmas vacation --" plus a wonderfully encouraging Christmas story. (From Harvest Lane Cottage)

Ever wondered about Golems? Here's where you'll learn more.

Weird science fact: ants vomit into each other's mouths to form bonds with each other. Well, I'm not following their lead!

The woman who let a psychic take over her life, friends and bank account for years.

Storing vegetables for the winter -- even if you don't have a coldcellar.  Great for picking up sale veggies now, and using them all season.  (From Abundant Mini Gardens)

Ten real-life Christmas miracles.

A 34-carat diamond...nearly mistaken for a kid's playtoy!

2021's Word of the Year? "NFT."  (If you're thinking, 'what the heck is that?!' don't feel bad. I had to look it up -- and still it's confusing.

Why writers are the worst procrastinators. Ouch.

Cheap indulgences that bring joy.  (From Surviving and Thriving) Donna Freedman's "Frugal Sybarite" post is great, too.

Have a good week. At least the cold makes Christmas lights sparkle even more. 


Nadine said...

I just learned about NFTs on Sunday evening. If I knew how to create them, I'd do it and then sell, baby, sell.

Cindy Brick said...

I am still reaaaaaalllly suspicious about anything related to crypto...although one daughter has done very well investing in it. My thought: it could disappear or tank like that. (snapping fingers)

On the other hand, I'm the doofus who bought Gamestop stock, panicked and sold way too early. Go figure.

thanks for writing, Nadine.

Nadine said...

I, too, am very suspicious of some things I don't totally understand. But, we doofi (plural of doofus) have been lulled into thinking, or at least hoping, money and investments are incapable of disappearing or tanking just like that *finger snap*. So in addition to being suspicious, I am also cynical. Not to be confused with clinical. Yet. There's still time.

Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries