Monday, December 13, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: What Exactly Is "Dreary?"

      Last week, I was having supper with three dear cousins, whose advice and cheerful nature I've been relying on, while we stay here in Michigan and continue helping care for The Mama.

     If you haven't been in the Mitten State during roughly November - March, you don't realize how many gray/rainy/sleety/cold days happen. The sun is actually shining while I'm writing this -- and it's perhaps the fourth or fifth clear day we've had since we got here in mid-October. 

     "How do you cope with all these gloomy, dreary days?" I asked the cousins, expecting to hear answers like candlelight, cheerful colors, fun activities, etc etc.

     Instead, all three stopped and looked at me -- "What's gloomy here?" written all over their faces. One cousin even said this was her favorite time of year. 

     Obviously, we Coloradoans speak a totally different weather language. 

Oh well. Meanwhile:

Coffee and hot chocolate help, too...

A watch goes for $6 million at auction. Was it one of yours?

The Phenomenal Gems booth at Longmont, CO's recent Rocks & Rails Show.  I am a huge fan of this company -- and a satisfied customer.

Oh fuuudge.... A traditional recipe from yours truly -- a little more work, but delicious.

Also -- looking for money in all the right places.

Was Jesus born in a barn, a cave...or even a house? Intriguing speculations here.

Year-end decisions that will save money on your 2021 taxes.  (From Financial Samurai)

The homeless guy who torched the Fox News Christmas tree is out -- one day later. No bail required, either.

One scary airplane landing video. Colorado's DIA can be like this sometimes, thanks to winds over the mountains.

Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty -- why didn't this romance ever progress? (We're back to watching a lot of Gunsmoke, now we're staying at The Mama's.)

Eleven 'cozy' decorating ideas that are cheap -- and charming.

'Holiday things I really don't understand...' from that series by yours truly.

A hundred contest-winning cookie recipes...from Taste of Home.  Their 'Grandma's holiday favorites' contest-winners are here.

Should this 'massive planet' even exist? Scientists say no...but there it is.

Twenty-five wonderful 'Northern Lights' aurora photos for you to drool at

Have a good week. 

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries