Sunday, December 19, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Christmas Week

 Hanging in there... hopefully you are, too. We've got a few decorations up, but things are quiet this year. After all, we're "camping" in The Mama's house...or so it seems. 

     The Brick has been enjoying our slate of Christmas movies -- if they're not Hallmark ones, that is. I can't really blame him; Hallmark stuff is incredibly mushy. And yet I don't mind a smoochy one now and then. 

      Cookies need to be made -- and several packages sent off at the beginning of the week. A few reports need to go out. (Maybe the Christmas cards, too.) Then we can relax and enjoy the holiday.

Celebrities who love their dogs... including Jackie Chan and his golden retrievers.

REALLY easy candy recipes. Why not give some of these for last-minute presents? (From Candy Club)

This fudge recipe may be my easiest candy this season.  (From All Recipes)

Movie 'mistakes' that made for memorable scenes.

The Viking legend of the 'blood eagle' IS possible, according to a recent study. What a relief...I, for one, have been staying up nights worrying about this.

Gourmet hot dog recipes. Including my own personal favorite: the Chicago Dog. (I get one of these whenever we're at Midway or O'Hare Airport.)

A five-year-old finishes the AT (Appalachian Trail) with his folks...just in time to start kindergarten! (I'm waiting to hear what the teacher thinks after his 'what I did this year' report.)

A piece of fudge from Tsarist Russia surfaces -- trapped in the sleeve of a 120-year-old ballgown!

"Have you ever caught someone trying to steal something from the inside of your car?"  Quora readers unload...some of these are quite funny.

Five Christmas gifts that also save their recipients money.  (From My Abundant Life)

Remember Nick Sandmann, the kid who was ridiculed by the media, for no cause? Another (expensive) lawsuit has been very, very quietly settled -- this time with NBC. (I wonder if they've learned their lessons yet not to jump to conclusions?)

Three-ingredient sugar cookies. Really! (From Betty Crocker -- I wonder if this is their standard mix for their slice-and-bake cookies?)

Seventeen top-level executives who lied on their resumes.   At least one said he'd do it again, just to get the job. Speaking of that...

The funniest resumes of all time.

Toilet roll snowflakes...before you sneer (like I did, initially), they're quite lovely.

Dealing with 'mean girls' -- as an adult. One of the suggestions is to indulge in 'forest bathing.' Really??

Some of the strangest historical artifacts out there. Including one of only two 'Jolly Roger' pirate flags known to exist today.

Hidden treasure that may still be out there! Take a look; one of these may be in your neighborhood.

Feed yourself on $15 a week .Or maybe a bit more, since this is a classic from years back.  (From Get Rich Slowly)

How to give several gifts -- and still spend $25 or under! ; (From one of my favorite bloggers, The Prudent Homemaker)

What was Keanu Reeves really thinking of when his "sad photo" was taken? I'll give you a hint: "I'm just eating a sandwich, man!"

Way weird, frightening...and cool Google Maps discoveries all over the world. Including a UFO!

One of San Francisco's accused looters -- a fine upstanding woman whose crimesheet dates back to 1989. (An opportunist, apparently. P.S. She's now back out on the street - on bond.) Now San Francisco's mayor is begging for more money for police intervention.

"Lazy fetch--" how to do it when you're (ahem) dog-tired.

Hidden facts about some Christmas songs.  Like "Jingle Bells..."

Have a great week. Enjoy your Christmas.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries