Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christmas Things I Don't Understand

 Another batch of these quirky items for you to consider, before the year ends. (Go here for more, if you're enjoying yourself. I always do with these.)

Move over, Baby Jesus...

Do you believe in conspiracies? Are they planning something?? 

Entries from the Best Ugly Christmas Sweater contest:

This guy was competing with his boss (shown at right). Guess who won?

Escher would be proud.

A lot of people have this response to Ugly Christmas Sweaters...

Disco Kitty. 

"Move on, nuthin' to see..."

How this dog opens presents every year, according to its owner.

This kid had an unexpected visit from Santa and his elves...
and an unexpected response.

Christmas moooood lighting

Confessions of a Grateful Heart:

And finally -- a visit from Santa and his reindeer. Yum.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries