Sunday, November 27, 2022

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Flu - and Due

      After our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with the kids, the Brick came home with a sore throat. Being a generous husband, he shared his flu with me, as well. How sweet.

      I have deadlines to meet. Fortunately, we're both starting to feel a little better. So guess what I'm doing? 'It is what it is,' a cousin is fond of saying. In this case, she's right.


Michigan beat Ohio State 45-23!!!!
This was NOT supposed to happen. 

Perhaps next time they'll be taken more seriously. 

Ten items that help you throw a great party...Ina Garten's advice. (Use your own stuff -- don't necessarily buy hers.)

Ten things you can do to save money this week.  From one of my favorite bloggers, The Prudent Homemaker. (She's right, by the way.)

A wonderfully encouraging Christmas story about faith and commitment.  (From Harvest Lane Cottage)

A teenage McDonald's employee 'pretends' to quit, over a sinkful of dirty dishes. Cute.

Brownies -- with no eggs? (From Little House Living)

A bunch of interesting links.  (From the Crowned Goat -- her version of Monday Stuff)

Adam Schiff says he has to consider the 'validity' of any subpoena issued by Congress members before he'll comply. Isn't this the same guy who INSISTED that subpoenas be obeyed -- no matter what?

Egyptian mummies with gold tongues. Really.

FIFTEEN HOURS in the water, after falling from a cruise ship -- and surviving?!  Incredible.

Why was a 1930s steamer trunk ditched in the ocean, with a sandbag attached? (When found on the beach, it was empty. Hmmm...)

A writer apologizes to JK Rowling when she can't find anything that brands Rowling as transphobic. (Too late, buddette. Rowling's already had to endure these accusations for months, if not years.)

How to make lefse -- including a gluten-free version.  (From Little House Living)

More ultrawealthy investors are turning to the stock market -- because selloffs mean bargains are to be had. An interesting commentary here, though I'm not sure I totally believe it. 

Why smart people dig through the trash.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

A hiker takes a 500-foot fall in Colorado...and somehow lives, including through winter conditions. Cheers to her rescuers, who endured a lot to get her out of there. 

A Mexican town sets a Guinness world record for the largest batch of guacamole. This one's for the Brick, plus Daughters #1 and #2 -- they love the stuff. (I do not choose to eat something that looks 'prechewed.' Sorry.)

A woman stupidly climbs one of Chichen Itza's pyramids, then dances up-top. What an idiot. I am happy to report that she got arrested and fined for it. 

Instant karma -- in very satisfying ways. This is long, but you can choose how many you want to read. Kind of fits the previous lady, doesn't it?

An amazing look at elk in Telluride.

'What's the most unexpected compliment you've ever received?'  Quora readers hold forth.

Luna Luna -- I'm not sure what to think about this amusement park, quite frankly. But it is interesting.

Be rich, not famous -- Financial Samurai's got a point here. 

Being poor at an Ivy League college -- and lessons learned.  (From Rockstar Finance)

Winter meals to try -- 100 of them!   Including Bavarian Meatball Hoagies -- I'm going to try this one. (From Taste of Home

Have a good week. We will...once we get to feeling better.


Nadine said...

Hope you are well on the way to recovering from the flu. Thank you for correctly calling it the flu.

Cindy Brick said...

That's what it is, Nadine... I know the difference. But thanks for checking!

Feeling better. The Brick got hit harder than I did, poor guy.

Thanks for writing.

Lump In My Throat...

 I'm crying, too. This just makes me miss my beloved Pa all the more...he became my dad when I was 2. He has been gone 16 years now, but...