Sunday, November 13, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Thanksgiving's Coming??

 It's less than two weeks away. 

Fortunately, I don't have much to do. Daughter #1 and her partner are hosting the big event, which means I just have to come up with a "pay-kan" pie (for the Brick, whose Southern roots kick in this time of year), biscuits -- and brownies. (Look for those recipes this week.) I was even flirting with the idea of (gasp!) NOT buying a turkey. They're big, and they're sure not sale-priced here in Colorado. I may just skip it this year. 

More time to focus on the Seven Fish Dishes, instead. 

    We took a few days to recover from elections -- both of us were just exhausted. I'm not sorry we did it. It's just that it was mentally and physically draining. This week should be reasonably peaceful: some appraising, a doctor's appointment, and a trip to pick up friends at DIA. Otherwise, it should be quiet. 

Okay with us.


A remarkably good documentary on the Pilgrims and the Mayflower -- hang in there to the end for detailed info on the people who sailed, plus the crew and Indians connected with the Pilgrims. Fascinating.

A closer look at Harriet Powers' Bible-themed quilts (which are showing at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston) -- and the legacy she left to her descendants. (One is a research librarian at the Library of Congress.) Related:

A post on the reproduction of Harriet's Bible Quilt, allowed by the Smithsonian. (Technically, the MFA quilt is called the Pictorial Quilt.) Thanks, Black Threads.

Chick-Fil-A celebrates a dedicated customer's 104th birthday...he got 'free food for life' gifted on his 100th. (Me, Chick-Fil-A, pick me! I won't live past the 80s or so...)

Favorite recipes for Thanksgiving. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month -- honest, Mavis, I had this included on the list before you wrote me...) Also:

Mavis's wonderful no-knead crusty Dutch Oven bread.

Amazing movie scenes that were REAL -- no special effects magic.

Grandma's gravy -- a Thanksgiving classic from yours truly. 

Amazon's doing a book sale again -- buy two, get one free. Not sure how long this will last...probably not very long.

One of the weirdest Thanksgiving commercials I've ever seen, courtesy of Ocean Spray:

Ten 'escape-proof' prisons that people somehow escaped from. 

Denver's best (and oldest - since 1873!) bar for a burger. (Thank God it's not Bud's Bar in Sedalia, another frequent mention.)

The body of Tiffany's head honcho in Turkey is found, after a fall from a cruise ship. Why do I feel there's more to this story than the basic facts?? (P.S. It is NOT easy to fall from a cruise ship.)

Revolutionary War veteran bones discovered -- at the Battle of Camden site.

A number of Oregon's counties have voted to leave -- and become 'Greater Idaho,' instead. That doesn't make it a fait accompli yet. Both state legislatures, as well as Congress, must approve it. (Can you see the Oregon legislature okaying this??) But it's a big step toward secession, leaving Portland, and the counties around it, all by themselves. Hmmm...could we do this with Denver and Boulder??

The favorite foods of every President. Fascinating. 

Some very interesting drone photos.

A treasure trove of bronze statues have been found in Italy,  including 24 statues, thousands of gold and silver coins -- and an Etruscan slab with letters printed on it. Archeologists think there's a possibility that the slab includes words never found before on previous (rare) inscriptions.

'Thrifting and hoarding left me bankrupt.'

The Prudent Homemaker watches it rain. We can relate to this, considering how little we get.

A Navy engineer and his wife get substantial jailtime for offering to sell secrets. Good for them...or, I should say, the judge that sentenced them. 

Homemade mincemeat -- for your next Thanksgiving or Christmas pie! (From Lavender and Lovage)

Have a good week

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Lump In My Throat...

 I'm crying, too. This just makes me miss my beloved Pa all the more...he became my dad when I was 2. He has been gone 16 years now, but...