Sunday, November 6, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Get Out There And Vote!

 Monday and Tuesday this week, I'm working as an elections judge. (The lowest rung of the ladder: smile, greet the voter, check their I.D. if needed...and refer any problems to the manager.) The Brick will be an Observer in Boulder County Monday - Wednesday; if you see a cute dark-haired guy quietly watching in Boulder at the polls, it's probably him. 

     We both believe strongly in this.

                      If you are an American citizen, this isn't just your opportunity -- 

                    it's your responsibility. Please take time to vote. (Polls close 7 p.m. on Tuesday.)

Yes, I did. Did you?


The Astros win their second World Series -- this time against the Phillies.

The Democratic congressman who showed his sympathy about people fighting high grocery prices: 'They can eat canned Chef-Boy-R-Dee. My family did.'  (Did he realize how crass he sounded??)

An artist sells a fake Basquiat frame -- which he constructed from bits and pieces of a real Basquiat drawing. When he's caught, he says it was all a prank, to see the experts noticed. (Oh yes, and he made a boatload of money selling it. Somehow he decided to buy it back. Perhaps he was 'encouraged' to do it by the outraged buyer?? Hmmm.)

Awkward family photos. They're pretty weird.

Making the perfect pesto -- from Stanley Tucci's Italian series.  (You're going to need potatoes -- and a big mortar!)

CNN's fact-checked President Biden's recent campaign claims.   Their conclusions are very interesting... and not necessarily what you'd think.

Weird scientific phenomena -- caught on video. Including a levitating frog.

Famous shipwrecks found.   Including the Vasa. Another Swedish warship, whose construction was based on the Vasa, has just been identified this year. 

The 'Lady of the Dunes' has been identified...after 50 years! DNA is a wonderful thing. 

How to write boring articles about boring topics -- and make it profitable. 

Very silly (and funny) photobombs.

Bachelor cooking.  How do you do it, with little equipment and less motivation?  (From Retire by 40)

Eggnog Cheesecake!  Yum, Kitchen Magpie. 

Climber Bradford Washburn's long-lost cache found... a stash of film and cameras left behind 85 YEARS AGO. It seems to be usable, too.

The final Pearl Harbor survivor, at least that we know of, dies in his sleep. He was 99.

A father distributes a letter about his son, who's running for a House seat representing Washington state. The father says the son is lying about several important points, including residency...and trading on Dad's authentic military and police service, to boot. Ouch.  

Eight times the media got a major narrative wrong -- but refused to admit it. From Hunter Biden to Wuhan.

How to make and use a wonderbag. These puffy things let you keep food cold or hot for hours.

DIY concrete countertops. 

A Bronze Age gold belt -- found in a Czech farmer's beet field!

P.S. It may have 'supernatural concepts' in mind...

Boulangere potatoes... scalloped potatoes with a French accent. (From Foodtalk Daily)

She paid it back, after all.  New Orleans gets back $28,000+ its mayor spent on first class airline tickets. (Some smart person passed a law that said politicians had to use 'steerage' -- or pay extra. Good for them.)

A triple photo finish for horse racing? (Actually, it was nearly a foursome. Amazing.)

One of Anne Frank's still-living friends just died. Hannah Goslar was 93. 

'Royal d'or' coin sells for a HUGE markup at auction. 

An injured Colorado hiker is rescued...noticed by a tourist staring out a train!

Best -- and unexpected sometimes! -- female villains. 

The complex world of rhododendrons. Turns out they know how to work together for the common good.

Microwave caramels. Easy candy to make.  (From Simple As That)

Easy winter meals...with just a bit of prep needed.   (From Kitchn)

Have a good week. God bless America, land that I love. 

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Lump In My Throat...

 I'm crying, too. This just makes me miss my beloved Pa all the more...he became my dad when I was 2. He has been gone 16 years now, but...