Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Morning After

 It was a verrryy long day yesterday -- fourteen hours. And we worked our tails off. Colorado had a written ballot, which printed off, one by one, then had to be given to each voter. If they brought a ballot in when voting in person, that had to be 'surrendered' in order to print off a new ballot. And if their address was different (and we checked), THAT had to be updated, too. We checked and rechecked -- and checked a third time when they got their ballot, and signed the final 'voter registration' card. 

     All that took time. 

     Our small polling station, at the Roxborough library, 'did' almost 250 voters. We had so many mail-in ballots submitted, as well, that the box downstairs overflowed -- and people had to trudge upstairs to submit those. For being a midterm election, and no real close elections in our county, there was a LOT of interest.

     I should amend that. There were a ton of 'just a little bit of tax for this/that--it won't matter much' items on the ballot. Not sure how those played out yet. 

     I'm beat. But doing better. Even driving home last night was hard -- I had trouble keeping my eyes open. 

     The Brick is still doing his job observing, as Boulder County finishes up counting. He's coming home tonight; Ruby and I are happy about that. I've got a beef stew (with a bit of Guinness added, for flavor) in the crockpot. He'll be exhausted, too. 

     I'm still bit puzzled by some of the election results. (Elect a candidate in PA that can barely formulate a sentence?) But it will be interesting to see how everything pans out.

      Please tell me, if you were an American citizen, that you voted. Please.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

All 5 of us (living in 3 different states and 4 different cities) voted. We had long discussions as we researched candidates on the internet. We agreed/disagreed/canceled each other's vote out/threw our votes away just to make a point/(I) requested a paper ballot but was refused - at least we all voted.

Bill made (nagged) me to go. I don't think it matters anymore. I think the machines are compromised.


Me, Too!