Sunday, June 18, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Nothing to Report

     Colorado may finally have emerged from the monsoon season -- we haven't had any rain for two days! ('Listen to yourself, Brick -- pretty soon you'll be griping because there's no rain.')

    Now hopefully my beans and squash will start appearing. Ya never know. Something fragrant is blooming right now -- maybe crab apple blossoms? (That's late, too.)

     A quiet week lies ahead, after Father's Day. Unfortunately we were not able to spend time with any of the kids -- we hope to later.  (One batch is sick, and the other went to the Renaissance Festival.) The Brick did get some presents from his redhaired Ruby doggie, though. 


Tiramisu cake. Oh boy.  (From the Kitchen Magpie)

Fifty wonderful dads for Father's Day.  What would we do without them!

The poor lady who woke up in her coffin... just died, a week later. Hopefully people are making sure this time. 

A knife-wielding thief gets caught when the front door locks shut, and the shutters come down. So what does he do? Casually drinks one of the beers he tried to steal. (Hey, why not...)

Two early Superman comics just sold for a combined $3 million at auction

A Shuffle Dance for a Cloudy Day:

Another wonderful version of the shuffle dance:

Real historical booby traps. So much for making it easy to find treasure. Plus...

Important artifacts that are STILL missing. Including John F. Kennedy's brain! 

Missing documents, too.

And ten rare things recently FOUND.

A blizzard on top of Pikes Peak -- in mid-June?  Yep...and it was a horror. 

Did his aunt betray Anne Frank and her family? This man thinks so...

Sixty ideas for saving money in the summertime.  (From Little House Living)

An eagle grabs a jackal's baby cub -- and Mom retaliates! 

King Tut and potato chips.  A classic from yours truly. 

"You've got $7 to buy a week's worth of food. What would you get?" Some very interesting answers from Quorans here. 

Joshua's altar on Mt. Ebal? Archeologists believe they've found it.  (Deuteronomy 27 tells you more.)

An assistant basketball coach -- fired after she pretended to be one of her players during a game!

Making an entryway 'tile rug.'

Is Trump's indictment the 'slam dunk' that many media outlets believe it is??   I'm personally skeptical. The Brick believes that Biden could not be indicted for the same thing until he stops being President -- and I had read that Hilary Clinton had worked out some kind of backdoor solution to her classified issues. But who knows...the timing does seem interesting. 

Grandpa acts as 'flower boy' in his granddaughter's wedding. Awww....

A trip to Cusco -- and Macchu Picchu. This is on my list!  (From Millenial Revolution)

Buffalo chicken spaghetti...oooh.

Remember this guy? He just 'happened' to be on a boat with his mom, who drowned. (Because he apparently tampered with it. To get the $7 million inheritance she got from her father. Who is thought to have been shot by Our get THAT inheritance, which he promptly squandered.)

    Anyways, on the eve of the trial for his mom's murder... he's found dead. Age 28. Hmmm.

A man goes to pick up his in-laws at the airport...and never arrives. More than four decades later, we finally know why. (This is a weird one, and apparently still ongoing.)

Doilies for a summer top? This version is a bit too sexy for my taste...but does inspire ideas.

The landlord who demanded that his tenants remove their improvements to the backyard. So they did...

'My husband is so frugal that he proposed with a coupon.'  A sweet anniversary memory from The Prudent Homemaker.

'Maybe we went a little too far.'  One of the authors of a paper denying that Covid could have leaked from a lab, instead arguing that it developed "normally," admits that not all claims of leaks can be easily dismissed. Oh really...

Real-life hacks for everyday living. 

Photoshop fails. And...

Insanely cool water (and underwater) photos.

The mother-in-law insisted on wearing white to the the bride wore pink, instead. A brilliant solution to the problem.

A woman wakes up... during her own funeral!

Ten facts about Great Britain's WWII bombings. I have a special interest in this, thanks to Helen Forrester's memoirs.

Did a strange study at Harvard permanently warp the student (and eventual professor) who became the Unabomber?  We have a side interest in this -- one of our Boulder friends was a college roommate of Ted Kaczynski. Our friend remembered him as being a tad 'off,' even then.

Potatoes Romanoff... steakhouse goodness, made at home.  (From The Kitchen Magpie)

Enabled types -- in the flesh. 

Have a great week. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...