Sunday, June 4, 2023

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Sports Camp - and Reports

 The Brick will be spending every morning this week, trotting around the Creekside/Central Sports Camp for kids. He's doing Safety/First Aid with our friend, patching up cuts and Binding Things. (Or hopefully not doing those!) They've got 250 kids to watch over -- it's going to be a busy time.

    Either way, I've got reports -- and a lingering case of flu -- to finish up. And some garden weeding and planting to do. We've had rain nearly every day...including one long, chilly day of drippiness. There's been so much moisture that the Brick wondered, 'Did we accidentally move states?'

    A little 'Happy Dance' every day helps.


A Japanese hotel that opened in 705 A.D. You can stay there, too.

A 'popup' cabin -- built in a day? 

Kerrrispy Japanese fried chicken. With recipes for accompanying sauces.

Two golden eagles are trapped and relocated from their spot at DIA -- maybe their tickets were cancelled?

"What is a one-in-a-million coincidence you have ever had?" Quora people hold forth.

    I have a small one. We were on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, wandering through a night-time marketplace. I heard, "Cindy, is that you?" It was one of my appraisal clients from Cheyenne, WY. Turns out they vacationed regularly in PV. They were debating whether to trust one of the food vendors, when they saw 'Americans' eating there...then realized it was me and the Brick. Weird.

Best recipes made by community cooks. Some good ones here, including a wrap version of California Roll.

The 11-year-old Maltese with 3 teeth who attacked a coyote -- and won!

Story of a 'sex kindergarten' and abuse that sent several adults to jail -- was it made up? (Looks like it was.)

Tougher work requirements coming for Americans over 50 on food stamps  -- it will be interesting to see what happens.

Preserving greens from your garden.  (From Little House Living)

An interesting solution to the person who kept stealing everyone's lunches at work.  (I wish someone had done this for me!)

How to build an outdoor pizza oven. 

$6.6 million for a watch at auction? Well, it was unusual, to begin with. Oh yes, it also belonged to the last emperor of China.

A Michigan art and sports memorabilia forgery ring has been busted wide open. Don Henkel, who's competed at least five times in the Grand Rapids competition, Art Prize, is in big trouble...

(You might enjoy this new exhibit of fakes and forgeries on display in London, too.)

A 1920s forgery, a la Botticelli

An American family attacked on their farm in Ecuador.

The most valuable Antique Roadshow finds -- found.

Household hacks for repelling ants and flies. One soap does a multitude of jobs!

A lively version of Uptown Funky Walk:

A cinnamon roll microwave mug cake! 

NBA players -- 20 of them -- who 'went broke and lost millions.' Including Denver's own Dan Issel. (Turns out he owned a whole stable of racehorses. I wonder if that's what did it...)

'Cheap & easy dinners.' 

The catalog for the upcoming auction of items from Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman. Includes everything from watches he wore, his grubby boots from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid to his chain from Cool Hand Luke. Wow!

'Have you ever found something in your house that was hidden by previous owners?Quora contributions.

Weird zoo stories -- as told by the keepers.

Favorite foods of the Depression Era.  ('Edible lint??')

Now you can do it, too -- learn from an expert: the John Fetterman School of Public Speaking!

New golden treasures found at the Titanic shipwreck.

A very embarrassing faux pas, Titanically speaking.  Hey, at least he got plenty of social media play out of it..

Another embarrassing social event -- but a very funny save! Be sure to read the story BEFORE you look at the photos closely.

They met in Central Park -- a star tennis player, and her fan. Now they're engaged! Fascinating.

The story behind Columbia Pictures' Torch Lady. (I always thought it was the wife of one of the executives...nope. Turns out several actresses have posed for it over the years.)

Elizabeth Holmes finally began serving her jail term for fraud. It's about time. No doubt that's how her Theranos co-founder feels, since he's been in the slammer for more than a month now.

Amazing that it took so long to happen.

Win the Memorial Tournament ($3.6 mil) ... then caddy for your friend, one day later.  Quietly, no fuss. Good for you, Victor Hovland!

Thirteen copycat recipes to try...some good ones here. 

Including Starbucks' vanilla scones, which I adore. (sigh)

Mockingbird song:

A very funny Trump joke that's making the rounds on Quora:

Trump is doing a meet-and-greet at a crowded venue and his security detail is being extra watchful. One of them is a new guy and he’s extra jumpy.

Suddenly, a gunman bursts from the crowd, aiming his weapon at the President. Pandemonium ensues. The rookie bodyguard screams “Mickey Mouse!!!” at the top of his voice and this startles the would be assassin to the point that his aim is off and the shot goes over Trump’s head.

Some bodyguards wrestle the assailant to the ground, while others hustle the President to safety. Disaster averted.

Later, during debriefing, the head of the security detail congratulates the rookie. Without his quick thinking, he tells him, the President might very well be dead.

“But I’m puzzled” he said. “Why on earth would you yell Mickey Mouse?”

“I’m new”, explained the rookie, sheepishly. “I panicked. I meant to yell Donald! Duck!!

(More Trump jokes here. Yes, they are funny. And incredibly rude. Tailor them to Other People You Know, if you prefer!)

First Lady style -- particularly in inaugural gowns. 

This is a weird one -- a 'kidnapper' has charges dropped after neighbors describe him, and the woman he ostensibly held captive for four years, as a "couple." Hmmm.

and another one for the weirdo count -- a lawyer uses an AI chatbot for researching a case -- and it turns out the AI just made some cases up, which the lawyer cited as 'evidence!'

Have a good week. Upward and onward.

All photos from Creekside and Central Bible's Sports Camp page on Facebook -- Castle Rock, CO

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...