Saturday, June 17, 2023

Things I Don't Understand: The Father's Day Version

 Here's celebrating Dear old Dad -- with a few Engineer bits thrown in. Because even though he's technically retired, the Brick is still very much An Engineer at heart. 

It takes real courage to be a good Father, especially in this zany world.

(More Things I Don't Understand posts here, in case you're interested.)

              The latter: the Handyman's secret weapon. Ask Red Green:

...and pissed about it, too.


Perhaps burping could be substituted.

Saw this myself at Miami International Airport. 
He held his girlie this way at least an hour -- or more. 

Maybe he was an engineer.  (Uh, nope.)

A Korean-themed birthday party for Daughter

And finally:

He does, too.

Happy Father's Day, Sweetheart.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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