PETA wants to set the animal crackers loose.

Yes, the society who speaks out on behalf of our furry, feathered and scaly friends (and throws blood and red paint on people wearing fur coats) has as one of its great aims in life --
Making sure that the animals in 'Barnum's Animals' crackers are not behind bars anymore.
“Given the egregious cruelty inherent in circuses that use animals and the public’s swelling opposition to the exploitation of animals used for entertainment, we urge Nabisco to update its packaging in order to show animals who are free to roam in their natural habitats,” PETA said in its 2016 letter.
And Nabisco caved. Now the old box:
Looks like this, instead:

The animal crackers' namesake has been out of business for some time. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey closed up shop in 2017. The circus removed elephants from its shows after pressure from PETA and other groups in 2016, but never could recover financially.
The sad part: I really like this new design! But I do NOT approve of an organization who puts its dictates far above the needs of the creatures it's supposedly representing. (We humans don't even get that consideration -- we're last on the foodchain.)
Quit being a bully, PETA, and focus on more important issues. Like blue crabs.
Or Aretha Franklin.
Now, Gentle Readers, you've got a politically correct reason to buy animal crackers.
Just in time to fill Christmas stockings.
While you're doing that, be sure to hum the tune to a very fitting anthem: Born Free.
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