Saturday, November 3, 2018

We're Still Here

    It's been yet another strange week in a series of strange weeks.

We've had some snow.

Spent a night at a hospice center in Denver.  (I'll explain this soon.)

The Brick has picked up some sort of weird flu. 

And I keep working, business-wise. The Book continues to do well. 
I keep slogging away at appraisal commitments. Life goes on. 

We've had several twists and turns we didn't see coming -- some we were able to fix, some we just deal with.


Am I giving up?

Far from it. I'm making progress. Sure, it's coming slower than I planned -- or hoped. But it's happening. Next week: something going nearly every day. But I'll deal with it as it comes.

Welcome, November. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.