Sunday, November 11, 2018

Happy Veteran's Day

...if you can say 'happy,' after all the sacrifices and time, energy and resources spent on our behalf by America's troops. Past, present and future.

I'd rather say 'grateful'... because I am.


Our flag is out -- hopefully yours is, too.

* * * * * * *
If you've served in the military, there are all sorts of Veterans' Day discounts, free meals, and freebies that you can take advantage of, including (depending on where you live) free carwashes and haircuts. Most are today (Nov. 11), but some are being honored tomorrow (Nov. 12), instead.
    The list of restaurants offering special meals is particularly long and varied. If you're a vet, this is a perfect time to save money -- and show your family a good time.

The Brick (6 years in the Navy) and I will head to Golden Corral tomorrow night (5-9 p.m.), to get his meal. We also have a good time talking to the many other military men and women who attend. That's even better than the food.

Pinterest photo

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