Saturday, November 17, 2018

Sick... And Tired

Woke up this morning with a new friend:

              THE FLU.

No going to have breakfast with Daughter #1.

     Or finding bargains at the Friday/Saturday store.

Or going to see The MEG with friends tonight. (Love them shark movies.)

No more weekend plans -- except work here at the house. 

Instead, I get to throw on (then take off) blankets as the fever hits -- then recedes.

Drink this awful tea the Brick believes does wonders.

Try to work -- and doze off in mid-sentence.
               (My eyes are fighting to close while I'm typing this. Really.)

Watch tv -- but rarely finish anything. (Usually asleep when the climactic fight occurs.)

And try to keep the Brick from picking it up, even while I'm hacking and sneezing in his general direction.

Oh joy.

Hopefully tomorrow is better.


jude's page said...

Hope your feeling better soon.

Cindy Brick said...

Thank you, Hon... at least the fever's (mostly) gone. I still have the cough, but instead of happening regularly, it prefers to show itself as occasional coughing fits. (It was a little embarrassing at today's piano lesson, when I couldn't stop.)

A lot of people are having visits from Mr. Flu nowadays. It happens.

Thanks for the kind thoughts...


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.