Sunday, November 4, 2018

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Busy Week

      We have something every day this week but fact, several somethings on most days. 

The Brick is recovering from a nasty flu -- short-lived, fortunately. I've been flirting with it myself. Outside is especially dreary for Colorado, which is usually lovely -- most of the trees are stripped bare, with only a few faded leaves hanging on. Some rain, some snow. Typical November. 

If you're in the Denver area, come on over to the Philip S. Miller Library in Castle Rock Thursday night, Nov. 8 -- I'll be telling stories from my book, Ghosts & Legends of Colorado's Front Range, for the Castle Rock Historical Society. The fun starts at 7 p.m.

Before I get to the rest, don't forget: Please vote on Tuesday!! 
It's really important.

Professor Blasey-Ford garnered more than $800,000 in donations after she testified during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. And what's she doing with all that money? Keeping it, naturally. (Her reps say she'll donate a little, but are surprisingly quiet about the rest.)

Judge Kavanaugh got nearly $600,000 in donations during the same period. What's he doing with the money? Giving it away -- because keeping it would be wrong, his reps say, particularly for a judge. No doubt he had legal and security expenses, just like Professor Ford -- but he's paying those himself.
Stolen Valor is alive and well, sadly.   Click on the link for a whole lineup of candidates, including some tv celebrities.
Van Gogh paintings stolen 14 years ago are finally recovered.

Veteran's Day specials -- including free meals, car washes, coffee, etc. Be sure to take a look. Most are only good on Nov. 11, so you'll need to plan ahead. Some do cover Nov. 10 and 12, as well.

Ten great pumpkin recipes.  (From 101 Cookbooks)

The fight over the Campbell Soup CompanyWho's going to win -- the heirs, or the investors?

One of the stranger meals I have ever heard of -- Christmas dinner in a can. It was an actual product in 2013...

A Christian woman, set to be executed for blasphemy, is acquitted in Pakistan. Thank God. Many people, myself included, have been praying for Asia Bibi and her family. Click on the link for a whole lineup of candidates, including some tv celebrities.

Unusual connections revealed by DNA test results... including the guy who's a direct descendant of Genghis Khan!

The amazing self-sown watermelon plant...and an interesting way to tell if your melons are ripe. (From Get Me to the Country) Speaking of:

Winter sowing: an interesting 'new' way to start your planting months earlier. (From Reid Homestead)

The Temecula Album Quilt -- and a whole line of fabrics based on it. From Marcus Brothers.

Weird urban legends that turned out to be true.  (From Cracked)  Also from them:

Really creepy discoveries people stumbled onto -- 24 of them.

Quilt block designs taken from the Jewish Temple. A classic from yours truly.

The couple that died, falling off a cliff in Yosemite? Apparently they slipped while taking a selfie, a family member says. (Although I wonder if it could have been suicide.)

Ten strange things that have happened on planes recently. Including the lady with her emotional support squirrel!  (From Listverse)

Can you eat for less than $20 a week? Cheapskate Cook did it, for her family of five.

Remember the episode where Oprah Winfrey gave a car away -- to every member of the audience? Here's what happened afterward.

"The way I do things:" a fascinating look at dealing with utilities when you're really strapped for cash.  (From Life After Money)

Ten ways to save money that the average person can do.  (From Making Sense with Cents)

Some of the all-time best outfits worn on the Emmys red carpet. Wow.  (From Bazaar)

Classy, high-quality gifts that don't cost a lot. Be sure to follow the links on this page, as well. (From The Simple Dollar)

No-fail yeast rolls...these look delicious. (From My Frugal Home)

Have a great week. Come on over for the Historical Society talk Thursday night!


jude's page said...

No snow, or winter here, lovely spring weather, flowers blooming, and their perfume fills the air, doesn't that make you want to come down under?

Cindy Brick said...

Jude, you are a bad girl to bring this up... to your poor suffering American buddies.

(Actually, I like snow. It's the dreary stuff that I'm not fond of.)

Thanks for writing!

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...