Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Had A Cow for Christmas!

Brother and wife donated in our name to Heifer International this year...a wonderful program that gives animals and poultry to families in Third World countries to help increase both their food intake, and their income.

This seems waayy better than the latest book or scarf.

You can too, by going to:


Monday, December 22, 2008

Recipe Heaven - for Christmas Breakfast!

I have zippo time for fancy stuff this Christmas season. That's why this page caught my attention --

34 different breakfast casserole recipes! They look delicious...and more importantly, fast AND easily done with everyday ingredients.


I think my family is going to enjoy one of the crockpot casseroles for Christmas morning, along with the Brick standard -- a nice juicy slab of pan-fried ham. Maybe a little red eye gravy for Husband, whose North Carolina blood still runs thick this time of year. (Stir a little coffee into the pan juices and thicken -- that's it!)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Finances, Shinances...

And on a better note...or at least something that doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth --

A phone interview with Suze Orman and some of the Internet's top financial bloggers. Her answers to their questions are honest and realistic. Take a look:


It's still icy here...but the sun is shining, and any flakes we see are sparse. We watched the Arizona/New England football game this afternoon...it was snowing so heavily there you could hardly see the players. Every touchdown was greeted by a chorus of snowballs by the fans -- thrown straight up, celebration-style. (The East Coast equivalent of the West Coast shooting-guns-in-the-air-at New-Year's, I guess.) One player made a touchdown, landed in the snow...and promptly made a snow angel!

More 'Great' Financial News

From the "Nausea-Inducing" Department:

An Associated Press survey of 116 banks that have accepted financial bailouts so far (to the tune of $188 billion dollars) shows that their officers received nearly 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS in salary and other perks in 2007 -- the year that they were busy making 'brilliant' decisions to lead their companies to the current financial crisis. The survey used information provided to the SEC from the annual reports of the banks in question.

According to AP, executives received an average of $2.6 million in "salary, bonuses and benefits." Each.

The total amount of extras given to the nearly 600 executives would have been more than enough to bail out 53 of the 116 banks, without having to ask the government for help.

The article goes on to mention that some companies are freezing cash and stock bonuses for their chief executives. John Thain, the CEO of Merrill Lynch, for example, earned only a measley $57,000 and change in 2008. (Plus an insignificant $15 million signing bonus and $68 million in stock options.)

Goldman Sachs paid an average of $233,000 PER EXECUTIVE for leased cars and drivers. (Per year, remember.) The company 'reassured' its stockholders that was perfectly valid -- financial counsel and chauffers gave their executives "more time to focus on their jobs."

If you can keep your dinner from making a return visit, read the full article here:


And I was just planning how we can cut expenses 20 hours worth of pay next month!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Sole Story on George Bush's "Shoe Assault"

Here's the news report (and video):


From "This Is True" December report:

EDITORIAL COMMENTS: On a secret pre-Christmas farewell trip, President George W. Bush went to Baghdad to meet officials -- and hold a press conference. During the president's comments, an Iraqi reporter interrupted, shouting in Arabic, "This is a farewell kiss, you dog!" and hurled his shoe at the president's head. Bush ducked, so the man threw his other shoe, which also missed. Other reporters wrestled the man to the ground before Secret Service guards could even react. The president was unfazed, joking "All I can report is that it's a size 10." (AP) ...The worst part: "Made in Iran" on the label.

I get a big kick out of this zany, often irreverent report. Sign up for your own (free) copy at:


Photoing Around the World

A glorious sunlit (slightly chilly) day here -- I feel a little guilty enjoying the sunshine when so many are enduring blizzards. We normally get it, too -- but the really bad storms skipped our area right now. The folks called from Michigan -- they're snowed in and planning on staying put for a while.

Photos, especially of other places, not only are restful, but inspiring. Take a look at the best of 2008, according to Pixcetera:


Friday, December 19, 2008

Weather or Not You Need It...

Husband came home last night, feeling discouraged -- his office was just told their hours were being cut to 35 a week. That means we will go without 20 hours of salary a month that he's getting now.

Not fun. But we've lived on less than that -- we can do it. At least he isn't being laid off. Douglas County's school district has already announced a bunch of people are losing their jobs, come the new year.

Husband said, "I think I need to look for a new job." Fine by me!

Have you ever wondered what it looks like where I live? This cam is only a mile or so from my house...

This one's just down the road. (We can see I-25 from our dining room window. Not right next door -- down the hill a good ways.) Notice Castle Rock in the distance?


And this one is more out on the plains. We live in a very strange area, geographically speaking. Hilly bluffs and mountains, as well as buttes, are everywhere -- but so are wide-open spaces that seem to stretch forever.


http://www.wunderground.com/ is a great place to find a local weather cam in your neck of the woods.

The sun is shining, a (cold) wind is roaring past the house...and we don't have a flake of snow coming down. Weird. But nice, I guess.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In Praise of Tiny Kitchens

It's amazing how much you can do in a few square feet!


Our first kitchen was a five-foot-long strip along one wall: small refrigerator, stove (with miniscule oven) and a few cupboards for dishes and pots & pans.

It didn't matter. I cooked everything from ramen noodles (which we ate - a lot) to multi-course Chinese meals there. And was very happy.

Less equals more, sometimes? You bet!

Now back to work...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lands End $100 Gift Cards to Five Lucky Moms!

Go this site and fill out the survey...it took me about 3 minutes, tops.


Then you're automatically entered! Deadline is midnight, Friday, Dec. 19.

A Great E-Book on Saving Money - Free!

Live to Budget, bless his heart, got together with nine other bloggers to write Spend Less Than You Earn. It's a tidy compendium of ideas to save money and reduce your spending -- some of which might come in handy this holiday season.

And best of all, it's free! Just download the e-book from Live to Budget's blog:


It is cold here. As in dive-back-under-the-blankets-invite-the-dog COLD. (Or, as Husband says, a stay in and hold your baby sort of day. Too bad we both had to work.)

We spent yesterday afternoon snoozing, watching the Broncos lose (again), fireplace and space heater going, the dogs snuggled down under our feet...and I still was a bit chilly. It's supposed to be this way all week.

Daughter #1 taught snowboarding in this iciness to a group of Detroit kids. She said it was all she could do not to say to them, "Ok, practice this -- I'll be watching you from inside." They complained a lot, too. Thankfully, no one wanted to stay out extra long.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Food For A Buck A Day?

Terri Leonard and her boyfriend Christopher, both of them Social Justice teachers, began a long experiment to eat on $1 a day.

No matter what.

They did it -- and you can read their adventures here:


(Needless to say, this means no meat.)

They relied heavily on potato/rice/bean burritos, oatmeal, homemade bread with peanut butter, polenta and some strange 'meat' cutlets made out of wheat flour. Oh yes, Tang and peanut butter cookies, too. At least in their soup choices, they had more variety...but I honestly think they could have been quite a bit more creative in their food choices.

In University of Michigan college days, I went through several periods of living on a buck a day, give or take 25 cents. I made it because I had a good friend who ate meals at a commune nearby...and invited me to go, too. Otherwise, I ate a lot of saltine crackers and canned spaghetti. One memorable week, I pretty much lived on canned green beans.

Terri and Christopher are getting lots of press now about their experiment -- but the deeper meanings are what count here. After all, much of the world lives on less than a dollar a day for their food.

Remember the country-wide experiments to live on $3 a day -- or food stamp limits -- that happened last year? This couple did it for a week:


Needless to say, their menus sound more appetizing. The recipes here are good, too.

I only have one question. What the heck is a Social Justice Teacher?

Quilting Your DNA

I'm not making this up. Beverly St. Clair has come up with a pattern that can cleverly incorporate anyone's DNA sequence. Her "human red core pigment sequence" was featured on the cover of the Dec. 2008 issue of Nature Genetics. See it on Beverly's site at:


Yes -- you can do it, too! Beverly's system is here:


The finished piece looks a lot like a 'Birds in the Air' run amuck. The seemingly random mix of triangles almost form patterned blocks, then visually break and re-form other units. Stare at it long enough, and more patterns emerge.

Anyone with an engineering or scientific mind would kill to get a quilt like this.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Save Money on Eating Out with Your Kids

Want to know where to find kids eating specials in your area?

It's easy -- go to http://www.kidsmealdeals.com and put in your zip code.

Fast and efficient. And saves you money, to boot.

Too bad my little darlings are 20 and 22.

Christmas Greens

Finally, FINALLY the autumn-themed plaque went off the front door, and I started getting out Christmas boxes.


A wreath's on the front door, with another on the front yard trellis. Holly is woven through the garden arch in the front yard. Now, to cut branches from the junipers bordering one edge of our yard, then fill the front planter. Add some balls, a ribbon or two, and the front yard's done.

Like Merchant Ships is a big fan of greens:


And so is Monica of The Homespun Heart:


Take a look at Monica's blog, http://www.thehomespunheart.blogspot.com . It really is quite encouraging, and has some nice craft ideas.

On to the annual debate: What to do about the Christmas tree.

We've always had a fresh one, even if it meant cutting a Charlie Brown version in lean times. (Can you believe companies are actually selling a 'pathetic tree' like this? Sears' version is down to ten bucks, if you really want it... http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_07196996000P?vName=For%20the%20Home&cName=ChristmasTrees&Decorations&sName=Indoor%20Decorations%20&%20Animated%20Figures&psid=FROOGLE01&sid=IDx20070921x00003a )

I don't know about you, but in our current neck of the woods, Christmas trees are EXPENSIVE. The very cheapest one I can find is $20 -- and that's for a two-foot baby that ranks way up on the pathetic list. We like a 6-7 footer, and the very cheapest are $50-65. Way too much, considering much of our extra income has been funding plane tickets to Michigan.

What with Dad's illness, the folks finally caved and got a prelighted artificial tree. I don't blame them one bit. The artificial trees around here are marked down to tempting prices. They don't shed. The lights are on already. They look terrific.

Frugal Dad went to artificial this year:


So should we? Without exception, our friends all have artificial trees. I am such a sucker, though, for that crisp, fresh air smell that fills the upstairs. And if we wait another week, odds are good that Lowe's will mark their fresh trees down 50%. They did it last year.

I think we'll wait -- but this may be the last year. I'll be looking for bargains in January.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Stocking Stuffers

This subject has been dear to the hearts of bloggers lately, including one of my favorites, One Frugal Girl:


(She has a cool post on buying gifts for her little niece and nephew, too:)


And take note of this blogger's opinion on the subject:


What's in the Brick family's stockings this year?

Well, I can't tell you everything -- at least Daughter #1 reads this blog now and then.
But in the past --

chocolate bars (only the best kinds, including Toblerone or Lindt)
tangerines and bananas (the traditional fruit)
that person's favorite foods, in jars/bottles/cans
a can of tuna (for Daughter #1, who dotes on it)
can of black olives (a requirement -- to be worn on all ten fingers, and munched gradually away while reading the Christmas book)
a bracelet or necklace or earrings (usually garage sale-picked)
Maglites (Husband's favorite, hands-down)
a paperback or magazine
cans of nuts
fancy pens and markers
refrigerator magnets (preferably something weird)
free samples of various goodies --
make a note to yourself. Next year, start requesting them -- you'll be amazed at how quickly they add up. This includes shampoos, perfumes, cookies, granola bars, specialty drinks...

And on top -- a chocolate foil-wrapped Santa.

The key is the person whose stocking you're filling. Pay attention to what they really like -- buy a little bit here and there -- and that stocking will be full in no time flat.

"Living Like It's 1929"

This fascinating post on throwing a party for "only" $30 a head!

It's got some great ideas...just disregard the occasionally patronizing attitude.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Finding Bargains

I've been surprised.

If you're got the money to spend (make sure you do), Ebay's prices seem to be dropping some!

Pioneer and mining-themed photos are a must right now, for use in my upcoming books. (Old quilt photos come in handy anytime.) If they're old photo postcards, they have to be at least pre-1925, to handle the copyright issue. (Generally speaking, anything 75 years and older, illustration-wise, is generally usable...the main exception being Mickey Mouse right now. There are exceptions, and it's wise to check, but you are generally ok doing it. Don't just take my word here -- I'm no Great Expert, law-wise. But I have generally found it to be true. Home-taken photos, on the other hand, are usable. Period.)

I generally plan to spend at least $6-8 for each of these, with the really good ones going for as much as $20-25. The quilt photos will go as high as $250-288. (ouch)

So how much have I been paying for these in the past month? Four dollars. Six dollars. I just grabbed two Really Good ones for $3.99 total -- and a nice quilt photo for $5!

Is it that that collectors who normally pay Big Bucks are holding off? I'm guessing that's the case...

* * * * * * * * *
From the Christmas List department: Is your family scattered around the country? Need an easier way to let them know what you'd really like for Christmas? Here's what works for the Bricks: keep a wish list on your Amazon account. That way, Daughters, and especially Husband, know exactly what books, movies and other goodies I've been wishing for -- and I don't get weird stuff like chicken carvers and humidifiers. (Husband is a HUGE fan of gadgets and figures I should be, too.)

It works.
* * * * ** * * * * *
At least gas prices are going down -- around here in the Denver, CO area, I just saw a sign for $1.49 a gallon. Can you believe it!!! Our pockets will benefit greatly during the 18 hour-plus drive to Michigan in a few weeks.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I was scrubbing the bathroom today, when the Little Farm Girl inside began poking around...


Shut up -- I've still got the floor to mop.

Who cares...and why are you so messy, anyways? What about that blog entry yesterday -- who gave you permission to be Queen of the World?


Dissing on your brother and folks like that. Shame...they love you, and you make them sound like hicks from Yahootie, for God's sake. They could have been ax murderers -- instead, they just fuss now and then about bearnaise sauce. Stuff like that.


Not only that -- anyone from Michigan is going to think you've labeled them all insensitive, uneducated clods. (I start to protest) I know, I know -- you don't think that. You don't even think that about your own family. But they might think you do.


The LFG is right. I'm lucky to have siblings and parents that didn't try to hurt me, and were often encouraging. (Well, maybe not when Bro practiced his wrestling holds on me!) My folks paid for college -- I worked, too, but they paid, as well. They've been very supportive over the decades.

And here I am, griping because they didn't want to go to a lecture on Alaskan customs.

Ok. Take me -- and the previous post -- with a grain of salt.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's snowing here -- cold cold cold. I've been collecting for the California Gold book, including research on women connected with gold, silver and copper mining. I still need a few 'characters' for the book -- any suggestions? I'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Beebe Moss: Remembering

I knew her better as 'Mom,' a name she didn't mind my using. She wasn't technically mine -- she was Ami's.

Ami Simms, someone I've been proud to call a friend, lost her mother, Beebe Moss, last Saturday, November 29. But it was actually the end to Beebe's 7-year struggle with Alzheimer's. Beebe remained herself to the end... but in most ways, she had already quietly shut the door on her world some time ago.

Beebe shared her life with many people. She was peppery, vibrant and full of comments on everything imaginable. I spent an afternoon or two painting with her, talking about animals and quilts and techniques. Her cards and paintings were folk art swirled in bright colors, full of African and other influences.

She didn't mind popping off with whatever was on her mind -- right now. The effect was astonishing at times -- refreshing at others. She generously shared herself with family and friends. Whatever else she was -- she was herself.

I will miss her.

Share your thoughts with Ami through her blog:


Beebe Moss of Flint, Michigan, age 85, died on Saturday, November 29, 2008, at Genesys Hospice Care Center after a 7-year battle with Alzheimer's disease. The family has requested memorial contributions to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (www.AlzQuilts.org) in lieu of flowers: 1200 Creekwood Trail / Burton, MI 48509.

Beebe was born May 18, 1923 in Detroit, Michigan, the daughter of William and Jennie (Medvedov) Gottesman. She and Dr. Leonard W. Moss (deceased) were married in 1945.

Beebe leaves daughter Ami and husband Steve Simms; granddaughter Jennie Simms; brother Bud and wife Elaine Gottesman; nieces Simm Gottesman-Tessler and husband Doug; Kim and husband Ted Noble; Niki Gottesman; Mindy Reed; cousins Blanche Borenstein, RubyJean and Richard Gould, Sandy and Rodney Landsman; and friends Eva Boros, Joyce Christensen, and Joanne Malcolm to cherish her memory.

Friends may share with the family online at www.amisimms.wordpress.com/

Movies, Movies, Movies

TCM (Turner Movie Classics) has been running some of the great classics these past few days, including a spate of Buster Keaton slapstick pieces. (Boy, can you tell where the Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy got some of their inspiration...) Perfect for the overdue ironing I've been putting off. I saw Joan Crawford as a Depression-era clerk who stays virtuous while watching her girlfriends put their trust in slimy (rich) dudes in Our Blushing Brides. (Joan is incredible. And guess who wins in the end? Yup, it wasn't her friends...) Tonight was Citizen Kane. Intriguing -- but sad.

Now on to the last few flannel shirts -- and The Magnificent Ambersons.

At least the ironing's getting done. Take a look at TCM -- they seem to be digging out some great choices for December.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Food - ANYTHING but Turkey!

It's almost gone.

The 20 lb.-plus turkey I cooked Thursday morning is a memory...except for a handful of dark meat meant for Dave's lunchtime sandwich.

I thought, when Chicks #1 and #2 flipped the nest, that my food would stretch further. Ha. When the kiddos left for home Thanksgiving evening, they took substantial doggy bags with them. What was left made two meals of turkey & gravy for us, plus some goodies for the dogs.

I'm not griping. Really. Few things are more disgusting than a 5-day-old pile of turkey with an off-taste. It's just... just... where did it all go?!?

If you're shuffling through your refrigerator as well, and wondering what happened, take a minute to visit Clara, a 91-year-old grandma and fine cook. Her YouTube posts on Depression era cooking are gems. Try this one, the Poorman's meal:


Watching Clara cook is like being with my grandma while she made Christmas sugar cookies (and fussed -- a prime Cumings trait). Grandma died when I was in high school; I miss her.

Off to watch Ratatouille...and dream of pork chops a la francais.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...