Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Greens

Finally, FINALLY the autumn-themed plaque went off the front door, and I started getting out Christmas boxes.


A wreath's on the front door, with another on the front yard trellis. Holly is woven through the garden arch in the front yard. Now, to cut branches from the junipers bordering one edge of our yard, then fill the front planter. Add some balls, a ribbon or two, and the front yard's done.

Like Merchant Ships is a big fan of greens:

And so is Monica of The Homespun Heart:

Take a look at Monica's blog, . It really is quite encouraging, and has some nice craft ideas.

On to the annual debate: What to do about the Christmas tree.

We've always had a fresh one, even if it meant cutting a Charlie Brown version in lean times. (Can you believe companies are actually selling a 'pathetic tree' like this? Sears' version is down to ten bucks, if you really want it... )

I don't know about you, but in our current neck of the woods, Christmas trees are EXPENSIVE. The very cheapest one I can find is $20 -- and that's for a two-foot baby that ranks way up on the pathetic list. We like a 6-7 footer, and the very cheapest are $50-65. Way too much, considering much of our extra income has been funding plane tickets to Michigan.

What with Dad's illness, the folks finally caved and got a prelighted artificial tree. I don't blame them one bit. The artificial trees around here are marked down to tempting prices. They don't shed. The lights are on already. They look terrific.

Frugal Dad went to artificial this year:

So should we? Without exception, our friends all have artificial trees. I am such a sucker, though, for that crisp, fresh air smell that fills the upstairs. And if we wait another week, odds are good that Lowe's will mark their fresh trees down 50%. They did it last year.

I think we'll wait -- but this may be the last year. I'll be looking for bargains in January.

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Me, Too!