Monday, December 22, 2008

Recipe Heaven - for Christmas Breakfast!

I have zippo time for fancy stuff this Christmas season. That's why this page caught my attention --

34 different breakfast casserole recipes! They look delicious...and more importantly, fast AND easily done with everyday ingredients.

I think my family is going to enjoy one of the crockpot casseroles for Christmas morning, along with the Brick standard -- a nice juicy slab of pan-fried ham. Maybe a little red eye gravy for Husband, whose North Carolina blood still runs thick this time of year. (Stir a little coffee into the pan juices and thicken -- that's it!)

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Lump In My Throat...

 I'm crying, too. This just makes me miss my beloved Pa all the more...he became my dad when I was 2. He has been gone 16 years now, but...