Sunday, December 21, 2008

Finances, Shinances...

And on a better note...or at least something that doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth --

A phone interview with Suze Orman and some of the Internet's top financial bloggers. Her answers to their questions are honest and realistic. Take a look:

It's still icy here...but the sun is shining, and any flakes we see are sparse. We watched the Arizona/New England football game this was snowing so heavily there you could hardly see the players. Every touchdown was greeted by a chorus of snowballs by the fans -- thrown straight up, celebration-style. (The East Coast equivalent of the West Coast shooting-guns-in-the-air-at New-Year's, I guess.) One player made a touchdown, landed in the snow...and promptly made a snow angel!

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Lump In My Throat...

 I'm crying, too. This just makes me miss my beloved Pa all the more...he became my dad when I was 2. He has been gone 16 years now, but...