Friday, July 31, 2009

Annie -- continued

More on Annie Liebovitz's financial picture... partly grief (losing her father, as well as Susan Sontag), and partly careless. And it sounds like she has lived a little careless her entire professional life -- and now it's caught up to her.

All these parts...and 100% sad. Not to mention it could have been avoided all along the way. Even with incredible talent, you still have to be able to pay your bills.


Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff

Could you use a free bottle of rice vinegar? (It's great for salads.) All that's needed: fill out a short survey, and give them your mailing address. Go here to start. (Thanks so much, Money Saving Mom, for mentioning this!) Rice vinegar was on my shopping list, anyways...

Don't forget about Taco Bell's special for Coloradoans -- if the Rockies score 7 or more runs, tacos are 4 for a buck, as long as you buy a drink, too. The Rocks are back to winning games (Yay!), so this actually matters. We practically had to fight our way through the crowd on Sunday night at our local Taco Bell, and nearly everyone was ordering the Rockies Special. Guess the word has spread...

Laurie at Crazy Aunt Purl has one of the prettiest knitting patterns I've ever seen -- a sort of interlaced squares thing going on. It's called entrelac, and she's also posted instructions on her July 20 post. (Or go directly here.) I'm a sucker for Laurie's color choices -- she's big on heathery nature-based shades...and hey, I like her kitties. She also has some good salad recipes for that rice vinegar.

and finally, take a look at my editor's blog...she's got a very interesting 60s strip quilt featured right now.

One more thing: if you see a large group of people standing in line at Wal-Mart's pharmacy window, do not -- I repeat, DO NOT -- go anywhere near them. It could well be a signal that the latest version of flu has hit town, and if you get close, you will be walking through a fog of coughing, sneezing, snuffling, etc..
And then guess what happens?
Lesson learned -- the hard way.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The world record for kayaking over a waterfall has been shattered -- 186 feet. Picture dropping the equivalent of a multi-floor

It's not the Sears Tower, but hey, I'm impressed. Nobody kayaks down the Sears Tower!

Overcast the last few days... an incredible blessing. We even got a bunch of rain. I've had a big batch of quilts to appraise, and it is much easier doing it in cool weather. Husband even went and got a jacket for supper last night while we were eating out on the terrace; we were drinking hot tea and he said, "I think this is a sign of fall coming." Don't know about that -- we have such dog days in August -- but I'm willing to hope.

The zucchini plants in the pots on the terrace are huge, with little fruits the size of my little finger -- and growing fast.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Finder's Keepers, Losers Keepers?

Didja hear about the Brits who found a lottery ticket -- that won 30,000 pounds?! They apparently found out pretty quick who was the original owner (who accidentally lost it on the floor of a supermarket), and did their darndest to keep her from getting it back.

Didn't work. But the original owner also only gets half the value of the ticket -- 15,000 pounds, plus some interest. Ironically, that's all that's left from the prize-- the finders spent the rest of the money already.

Gives a new meaning to "money burning a hole in your pocket," doesn't it!

A Discouraging Setback

I was trudging through the final pages of the proofs last night, when I came on a note from the technical editor -- she thought I'd miscalculated on a block size. I was figuring cutting requirements, etc. for a 12" block -- but she thought it was 14".

She was wrong, in that it wasn't 14". But she was right -- it was really 13"!


And of course, it was the ONE BLOCK in the book that's used in three different quilts.

Double sigh.

After kicking myself up and down the boulevard, I set to and refigured all the sizes, yardages, cutting and assembly instructions for the three quilts. It took all night to carefully check everything, then continue on with the regular proofing. I e-mailed the last of it this morning to my editor...who, I'm sure, would be more than happy to cheerfully strangle me. And I deserve it.

Thank God, though, this got caught before the book went out in print.

And now I think I will take a quick snooze, before the heat shuts me down altogether. I need to make a quick run to the post office, and be available for questions on the book. I will be very grateful when this finally makes it to the printer.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Children...and Coffee

Don't forget...McDonald's is still offering a free mocha, hot or iced, on Mondays. I've intended to get my heinie down there, but tomorrow will be the first time. Haven't had the car much on Mondays.

Our children -- I have been thinking the past few days on how proud I am of the girlies. Daughter #1 just started work as a waitress for a Denver area sushi/Japanese grill, and has been working her tushie off. In the same period, she also found a nice place to stay that is 1)more comfortable, 2)more congenial roommates (Jack and Tim), and 3)is closer to work. Plus, instead of paying rent PLUS utilities, she'll be paying just a little more than Boulder -- and getting nearly all the utilities thrown in!
And she is planning on how she'll go back to school.
This is a kiddo who has struggled this year with some very difficult situations. The only way she could get through them was patience -- over and over and over again. And she's been doing it. I have confidence the job and the living quarters are the start to a much more rewarding life. I'm proud of her for continuing to plug away at it.

Daughter #2 is still working at the Boulder jewelry boutique (with increasing responsibilities), and trudging through a jeweler/appraiser course, assignment by assignment. It's not the the most pleasant around here to be tapping away at the computer late at night, after you've already put in a full day's work. But she's kept on and persevered...and I'm proud of her, too, for continuing to plug away at it.

Daughter #2 turns 21 in little more than a week, and her older sister turns 23 less than a week after that. It's hard to believe they're this old. Wonderful, nonetheless, to see them making thoughtful choices -- adult choices. We love them both so much.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fly Me to the Moon...

Brand-new on Google: now you can land on the moon!

Check out the various Apollo missions' landing sites and examine the Moon, section by section.



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Meanderings in the Wake of a Storm

Didja hear about the guy who found some valuable Mexican artifacts in the 'trash' he gleaned from an estate some years ago? Their estimated value: more than $15,000.

And the five-legged puppy? What a cutie. Plenty more strange animal photos in this gallery, mostly multiple-legged types.

We are still here, which is a tad amazing, considering the thunderstorm that roared through here late last night. The trees were lashing about like a tropical storm, the rain falling in sheets, and we had tornado warnings like crazy. (See a creepy photo here. Thankfully, this tornado went down east of us, and no damage was done.) Our oldest dog, Buck, hates any kind of storm, and he nearly had a heart attack trying to squeeze between us for protection. (Why that would save him, I have no idea.)

At any rate, we're fine...and the house roof, that we put so much sweat and effort into last fall?

Not one leak.

Lazy...Or Just Zany?

J.D. on Get Rich Slowly has a long and involved post on the damage laziness does to us, from not getting a rebate form sent in time to missing out on the best interest rate...things like that. See it here.

And wouldn't you know it -- the Wisdom Journal pops in its five cents by mentioning the various forms of procrastination, and what you can do about it!

I can think of a few of my own shortcomings --
*delaying repairs on the car, until they become more serious.
*snagging something special, food-wise, then letting it spoil in the refrigerator because I'm 'saving' it (for God-knows-what)
*putting off sending out paperwork (I REALLY struggle with this one). It's done...I just don't get it in the envelope and mailed in a timely fashion. I'm ashamed to admit this...

I'm not sure my delaying tactics stem from laziness, so much as I try to keep several balls in the air at one time...and inevitably one of those balls drops. I scoop it up and send it back in the fray -- but really, I should quit trying to stuff everything in, and just concentrate on a few things. I'd be better off in the long run.

See what you think...are your delays based on laziness, procrastination...or both?

(And now I need to read through the book proofs...a prime example!)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Weekend!

It is insanely green here. Normally, by late July, the landscape turns to tan, punctuated by a green bush or two. Not so this summer...even the hillsides are green, green, green and wildflowers are blooming like crazy. I've rarely seen our trees and flowers so healthy-looking.

But it is hot. Wipe-your-brow and fall-down-panting HOT. I'm headed out to mow the lawn. Pray for me.

Hope your weekend is filled with a cool breeze or two...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm Melting...

Got a kid going (or going back) to college? These tips from a mother-and-son duo may be of help. (They won't hurt for high school students, either.)

And some everyday tips from a "bargain stalker."

Once again, it is hot hot HOT. Thank God for smoothies, a cooler breeze and a waterhose.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Giant Creatures Slide Show

These are wayyyy cool, including a shark and tarantulas I wouldn't want to meet up with in a dark alley. Go here.

How Americans Spend least based on a 2007 survey.

This seems woefully out of date, but here's JD's post on it, in case you're interested.

And a closer look at the 'official' diagram.

We don't seem to fit much of anywhere on this puppy. We don't smoke, don't spend anywhere near what the 'average' is on alcohol, probably do about 2% of our income on clothing. (Mostly Husband's taste for expensive shoes -- though he even buys those on clearance, and wears them to death.

Maybe you're closer to the mark. But I doubt it.

The Perfect Weekend

...according to J.D. at Get Rich Slowly. (And it does sound wonderful.)

What kinds of things do you choose for a frugal weekend? I'll post more on this shortly.

No, I'm Not Goofing Off...

...well, sort of. That is, if not keeping a serene schedule is messing around.

Right now, it's mostly appraising, weeding, doing a load of laundry or two, and trying to get several reports finished up, especially some ideas for future books. Get the current book done -- heave a big sigh of relief and go off to clean out the closet (or do the dishes, or scrub the toilets) -- swear you'll never do this to yourself -- and lo and behold, you're back at it in a month or two.

Go figure.

I've found a new homesteading blog, thanks to Frugal Babe ...this one is by Doug Fine, a journalist who enjoys messing with compost, arguing with chickens and posting the "Green Lifestyle Contradiction of the Month." (The current one compares the Prius' energy-wasting tendencies with the a Hummer. The Prius, according to Doug, wins!) His posts wander about a bit (hey, so do mine)...but hey, when they get to the point, they do it beautifully.

It is soooo hot here until about 6 p.m. Then the evening breeze comes up and blows gently through the house. (Sometimes we luck out and get a rainstorm before that, and things cool off a bit earlier.) And we give thanks for having survived yet another stifling day.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Restaurant Deals

You'll find ten good ones here, including Subway's $5 footlong (good for lunch for both Husband and me!) and Starbuck's $3.95 'pairings.' (We're big fans of the ham sandwich. BIG fans.)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Backyard Doings

This Old House's competition for backyard renovations is done, and the results are in. Take a look at these wonderful changes.

This year, instead of trying to plant a Great Big Huge garden down in our lower backyard, I decided to concentrate on the 'house bed,' a rounded area that used to be shaded by a large (former) tree. That and the herb garden would get my attention.

I cleared around the perennials, then slowly started adding more. Beans have been planted in the cleared areas, and instead of petunias, tomatoes and zucchini populate the large pots on the deck. I put my flower funds into a large climbing 'Gypsy' style rose ($29.95) in a waist-high copper pot...a $15 steal from King Soopers. KS has some large green pots with frogs spouting...they'll be perfect for a small fountain when the pot's on deep clearance!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Not Enough Cash? Try these...

An interesting batch of posts, in case you've got a minute --

this forum focuses on "What They Did When Times Were Hard."

some good ideas on surviving with less cash.

Update on the Fate of QN, McCall's and Quiltmaker...

It's better than I feared.

The official press release is here. In short, New Track Media has just purchased CK Media's quilting titles, which were primarily located in Golden, CO. That new ownership also meant layoffs (of course), and a ton of uncertainty for the editors on staff of those magazines.

Many of whom were good friends, both when I was an editor for Quilter's Newsletter, and the years afterward.

I talked to a buddy at QN...and felt a great sense of relief. Although a few people were let go from Editorial -- including Irene Berry, a fine and capable editor -- most are just fine. There were approx. 13 layoffs at the Golden office, but 4 were bigwigs, and the rest of the hits primarily in circulation and accounting. Actually, my friend said, the Ogden, UT office took more hits than the people in Golden did. Still not great...but much more bearable than having the Golden office -- and the magazines -- shut down completely.

My friend is "cautiously optimistic:" a good sign.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Coping Financially with Life After Divorce...

not mine! (I am a very lucky woman in that respect.)

But Maggie McGuane's story in the June Vogue is a fascinating one.

Although I don't understand how someone with a $500 limit on her one (and only) credit card would consider a $300 pair of cross earrings necessary. At least she waited and saved for them.

My Friends May Be Losing -- Or Already Have Lost -- Their Jobs

Just read online that CK Media sold its quilting titles -- including Quiltmaker, McCall's Quilting and Quilter's Newsletter. Other titles produced at the Golden, CO office were also part of the buy. (They've been on the market for a while now.)

What makes my heart drop about this?

A massive layoff was announced for the Golden office (as well as the Ogden, UT office) -- which means that I will have friends losing their jobs. Good friends.

I need to make some phone calls.

Planting Beans

Yep, that's what I've been doing. Beans and more beans. There's nothing nicer than a fresh-snapped bean lightly steamed, or snuggling in a stir-fry. I can plant up through next week, and still get a good 'mess' of them before it freezes.

Sorry I've been so quiet, though. We spent a lot of time away from the house over the weekend of the an invite from friends for dinner, went to the flea market (and found a Sunbonnet pillowcase, as well as a Sunbonnet crocheted handkerchief, for my pattern files), went to the church picnic...and were lucky enough to have the rain stop in time for the fireworks. The temperature dropped, and we watched fireworks with our own sparkles in the woodstove. (First time I can remember needing warmth on the Fourth for a long, long time.)

The 80s/90s temps are back, though. Luckily, it cools down in the late afternoons...because our big storms are back, as well. No matter-- the plants love it.

One Frugal Girl has a fitting post on penny-wise, pound foolish. She saved a buck on the price of an item -- and because she stayed longer than 'a minute,' she got to pay a parking ticket.

Get Rich Slowly has a similar post on a pair of boots at $10 -- a 'bargain' price, except the boots didn't fit!

My 'saving' decisions? Wait until the last minute to ship something...then pay extra to get it there on time. Let dishes pile up in the sink, instead of taking a few minutes every day to wash them up. (And pay for it in smells and extra effort.) Wait to write a check, send a note...then not be able to find the bill, or the note never gets sent.

I'm working on improving, even though it may mean sending a note six months later...and apologizing en route.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...