Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lazy...Or Just Zany?

J.D. on Get Rich Slowly has a long and involved post on the damage laziness does to us, from not getting a rebate form sent in time to missing out on the best interest rate...things like that. See it here.

And wouldn't you know it -- the Wisdom Journal pops in its five cents by mentioning the various forms of procrastination, and what you can do about it!

I can think of a few of my own shortcomings --
*delaying repairs on the car, until they become more serious.
*snagging something special, food-wise, then letting it spoil in the refrigerator because I'm 'saving' it (for God-knows-what)
*putting off sending out paperwork (I REALLY struggle with this one). It's done...I just don't get it in the envelope and mailed in a timely fashion. I'm ashamed to admit this...

I'm not sure my delaying tactics stem from laziness, so much as I try to keep several balls in the air at one time...and inevitably one of those balls drops. I scoop it up and send it back in the fray -- but really, I should quit trying to stuff everything in, and just concentrate on a few things. I'd be better off in the long run.

See what you think...are your delays based on laziness, procrastination...or both?

(And now I need to read through the book proofs...a prime example!)

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