Friday, July 31, 2009

Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff

Could you use a free bottle of rice vinegar? (It's great for salads.) All that's needed: fill out a short survey, and give them your mailing address. Go here to start. (Thanks so much, Money Saving Mom, for mentioning this!) Rice vinegar was on my shopping list, anyways...

Don't forget about Taco Bell's special for Coloradoans -- if the Rockies score 7 or more runs, tacos are 4 for a buck, as long as you buy a drink, too. The Rocks are back to winning games (Yay!), so this actually matters. We practically had to fight our way through the crowd on Sunday night at our local Taco Bell, and nearly everyone was ordering the Rockies Special. Guess the word has spread...

Laurie at Crazy Aunt Purl has one of the prettiest knitting patterns I've ever seen -- a sort of interlaced squares thing going on. It's called entrelac, and she's also posted instructions on her July 20 post. (Or go directly here.) I'm a sucker for Laurie's color choices -- she's big on heathery nature-based shades...and hey, I like her kitties. She also has some good salad recipes for that rice vinegar.

and finally, take a look at my editor's blog...she's got a very interesting 60s strip quilt featured right now.

One more thing: if you see a large group of people standing in line at Wal-Mart's pharmacy window, do not -- I repeat, DO NOT -- go anywhere near them. It could well be a signal that the latest version of flu has hit town, and if you get close, you will be walking through a fog of coughing, sneezing, snuffling, etc..
And then guess what happens?
Lesson learned -- the hard way.

Have a great weekend.

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  More end of the week silliness here.. .hey, we all need a laugh.