Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Inexpensive Gifts -- More than a Hundred Ideas

These were suggested for teachers...but there are lots of ideas here for teenagers, mailpeople, choir directors and others!

On My Way, Back Another Day...

A big basket of shirts waits for ironing. The sink's full of dishes. Random scraps of paper are piled here and there. Phone messages. Business files still to be sent.

And Husband and I leave for Panama tomorrow morning! 

We'll return in a few weeks, hopefully brown and rested. (And having visited the Panama Canal, something I've wanted to see all my life.) The Brickworks offices will still be open, though quieter. (It always is, this time of year.) Feels strange, knowing that in less than a day, the cold and snow will be a past memory.
    Please continue to stop by. A pile of posts are waiting and ready, and will be doled out over the next few weeks until I return. Be good -- see you soon!

Making Money for Christmas

Surely you've noticed the Swagbucks 'swidget' on the right of my column. It's been one of my best secret ways to earn gift money for birthdays and the holidays.
   I don't do anything fancy, either, to earn it. I just do the searches I would normally do. I respond to a short survey now and then (5 min. tops), and do a Swagbucks poll (even shorter). That generally earns me 450 points twice a month -- and 450 points is a five-dollar Amazon gift card! I've earned 17 of them so far, this year. That makes a total of $85 for doing little normal than my normal routine. (And note: I haven't had any trouble with weird cookies, viruses or anything like that. Swagbucks is extremely respectful about that issue.)

You can do this, too. Just click on the 'swidget' to get started. (And you'll give me an extra bonus for doing it -- thanks if you do.) It won't be long before your first gift card -- or other item -- is a done deal.

Monday, November 29, 2010

New Picasso Trove Uncovered

Picasso's long-time handyman has surfaced, with a trunkful of paintings, drawings and such he said Picasso's second wife gave him. He's been storing this stash of hitherto-unknown work -- 271 pieces -- in his garage for decades!
     Needless to say, the official purveyors of the Picasso estate -- children Picasso was reluctant to acknowledge during his lifetime -- are not thrilled. They're trying to argue that the handyman stole the works, but based on the lack of official action, are having trouble making their charges stick.
    It will be interesting to see how all this develops. The handyman and his wife said they came forward now, so their children wouldn't have to deal with problems after they pass on. They were certainly right about that...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Top Ten Christmas Movies

Here's one list -- whaddya think?
   (I'm still at a loss to understand why Bad Santa would be here...but hey, that's me.)

My Ten Favorite Holiday Movies (not in order of importance)

*The Christmas List:   Mimi Rogers has a boring, if busy life -- but a list to Santa Claus, of all the things she's ever wanted, or wanted to try, change her life. Not always for the best, it seems, either. I didn't want to like this movie -- but it's one I never miss each year.

*It's A Wonderful Life: Jimmy Stewart, a very strange angel named Clarence, and the chance to see what would happen if you never had been born. What more could one ask?

The Shop Around the Corner: The movie that inspired Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks' endearing You've Got Mail (which easily could be on this list, as well).  Two clerks hate each other on first sight...but have been falling in love via mail, at the same time. A charming picture of a small pre-war shop in New York City. (I know, it's supposed to be in Europe somewhere -- but it sure feels like NYC to me.)

*Scrooge: Albert Finney remains one of the best truly skinflint misers...with a humorous edge. The songs in this musical stay with you, especially "Thank you very much." And Bob Cratchit's buying expedition with 15 shillings ("FIF-TEEN shillings, mind you!") put Black Friday madness back into perspective.

*The Santa Clause:  Is there anyone whose family or friends haven't had to deal with the heartbreak of divorce during the holidays? The notion of a "revolving Santa" is intriguing, but it's the whole 'how do we do this peacefully' dilemma that really breaks my heart. Sad...and funny, too.

*White Christmas:  Along with Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, I watched this late night in a comfortable pile of sleeping bags, and cousins. The only problem: we could sing the songs, but never caught the title! It wasn't until college that I finally learned the movie's name. Great actors, lots of snarky side comments, ebullient music and dance. (Even some weird stuff, like "Choreography" and an  "Abraham" dance-down.)

*The Homecoming:  Where's Dad? He hasn't gotten home from the mill yet -- send Oldest Son out to look for him before it's too late. A Depression era family waits, and so do we. I love this simple, touching movie. It was also the first appearance of John Boy, and his family, the Waltons. (Note: Daughters mutually loathe it, and say it's corny. But hey, whose list is this?!?)

*Holiday Inn:   A restaurant/inn that's only open during holidays, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby -- and a ton of jokes and side comments, along with the sparkling dance and music. I love, love, love this black-and-white celebration.

*While You Were Sleeping:  The cutest guy in the world falls on the subway tracks...and you save him, only to be mistaken as his fiancee. Spend your holiday with this quirky family, as well as the sweetest, most wistful heroine ever to wander into the subway. (Plus, Bill Pullman is kinda cute.)  For weeks after we see this, we wander around saying, "Was you leanin'??"

*Die Hard:  The perfect antidote for too much sweetness -- a vacationing cop who's the only hope for foiling a bunch of terrorists and saving a high-rise building...not to mention his wife. Bruce Willis brings just the right amount of humor and bravado to this frenetic romp. ("Whadja think -- I'm ordering a pizza!?) And Die Hard 2 is just as good -- not a common happenstance for a sequel, and something DH3 and 4 can't say.

Here's a more-or-less complete list of holiday movies...pick your own. And let me know what your list is!

Black Friday...Scary

Remember my earlier post about Black Friday? Take a look at this scene from a Hawaiian Wal-Mart. My Colorado Wally experience wasn't this bad...but around the displays that held cheap DVDs, I'd say it came uncomfortably close!

Viewpoints actually has a section on Black Friday Horror Stories. While you're there, take some time to write reviews -- 10 of them will net you a $10 Amazon gift card, but only until Nov. 30.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weird Photos for the Holidays

...how many strange photos did you produce this year?

Actually, we behaved ourselves. Everything looked normal. But that's not the case for others; witness this odd slide show. The best treat of all in this department is Awkward Family Photos.com, which has a full range of just weird to truly bizarre. (Don't miss 'Grandpa's Last Stand' and 'LOL Cats'...sterrrrrraaannnge. There's also Grandpa and Grandma at Christmastime, with three of four grandchildren screaming their heads off.)

For once, I actually celebrated Thanksgiving without reading Christmas stories, or listening to Christmas music. Now, on to enjoy it!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday - Just Thankful I'm Not Out There Anymore

Daughter #1 persuaded me to hit Wal-Mart just after midnight, when the sales kicked in.
    I have rarely been so frightened.

   In a crowd, I am constantly fighting the fear that I will be trampled. I can control it, but when pregnant with the girlies, it was almost impossible to go anywhere, without the feeling that any minute, people were going to begin stampeding all over. Where did I get this urge? No idea -- but it's been something I've fought all my life.

   We started by not being able to find a cart. Daughter said, "C'mon Mom, we'll just look for one on the way." I was grateful we were cart-less by the time we hit the $2 videos -- people with carts were regularly being trapped in the back aisles. Daughter shoved ahead...I wiggled around people...and twenty minutes later, we were juggling a big stack of goodies. The only way to make progress was curving around a lot, saying "excuse me" until people moved, and grabbing the minute I saw anything good. (Tip: check nearby displays, as well as the top of the video display -- people will discard good stuff there, after they've edited through their stack. They clear away extras. You get the good stuff!)
     For the rest of the time, we literally had to fight our way through the aisles, especially after we found a cart. One chunky girl in a light blue jacket could have been a linebacker; she repeatedly blocked the entire aisle with both her backside, and her cart. Jammed around people, trying to move through without mashing someone else. To add to the strangeness, the employees at Wally (who were largely standing around, or even stranger, standing 'guard') had cordoned off several aisles to keep the midnight specials saved. That was ok -- but after midnight, the ropes STILL stayed up! (We just went underneath.)
     Tip: Go with someone else. You can take turns holding places in line, going to get extra items, and double-checking the list. Daughter finally found a shorter line, while I was trying to get the cart to her. While we caught our breath, I expressed how I felt about being pushed, stepped on and shoved aside. Daughter said, "There are two kinds of people: pushers and pushees. And you have to decide which one you're going to be."
     Me (still breathless):  "I just wanted to bite somebody! So wouldn't that make me a third kind of person?
    "Naw," said Daughter. "It would just put you in jail. Now in jail, there are two kinds of people..."

Husband, who is more a hermit than anything, decided he wanted to get a camera for next week's trip to Panama. If he was headed out, well then, I could make a quick stop at Cost Plus and Michael's...before you knew it, we'd spent the afternoon out. But part of that time was checking out titles at Barnes & Noble. (They have some terrific bargain books and kits this year). We had a great time, didn't spend that much, and actually got a number of bargains. Now, if I can soak my mashed toes...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You Have GOT to See This Video!

Before you take off on a flight today...or you're 'looking forward' to coming home:

Be sure to watch this Buck Howdy take on Khris Khristofferson's "Help Me Make It Through the Night."

Except it's "Help You Make It To the Flight."

   Husband came running, at the sound of hysterical laughter: "what, what?"

Cookie Dough for 50 Cents??

Yep...if you have a King Soopers handy in your neck of the woods.

Pillsbury's new "Simply" Chocolate Chip cookie dough packs are on sale for $2.49...but if you buy four, you get $4 back, dropping their price to $1.49 each.
    But wait -- most (not all) of the packages at my local KS had 55-cent coupons on them! And King Soopers doubles your coupons, up to $1. So that meant...
    Eight packages of chocolate chip cookie dough for 49 cents. Each.

I baked up a package worth for last night's supper. Delicious.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Restless Tuesday

Brin over at Messy Thrilling Life is drying corn. At least that's something productive -- I've been trying to force myself to keep my mind on work, and stop wandering all over the internet. A Get Rich Slowly reader has interesting (and inexpensive) gift ideas. Prince William is getting married. (Girls everywhere start sobbing on cue, here.) He's also going to be the patron for a centennial reenactment of Scott's race against Amundsen to the South Pole. (Just so it doesn't end the way the original did!)
      There's a new copy of the Declaration of Independence out for sale. (The last one went for $625,000. A mere stocking stuffer...)
    And this insanely cool 1840s-or-so 'Aviary handkerchief from Ebay:

The price was right -- less than $35!
We're having cold and BLOWY temperatures...the greenhouse blew over Sunday. I unzipped the plastic (thank God it wasn't glass) and Husband re-propped it. Fortunately, only one little flat of baby greens tipped over. I carefully picked the seedlings up and poked them back in the soil, then re-placed everything else.
    Yesterday, it threatened to tip over again. (You would too in 45 mph or so winds!) Today, it's rocking with every gust. But so far, still upright.
    And that's me too, hopefully -- once I get some work done.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Publishing Books -- What's Best?

This guy thinks so, though he argues only for self-publication.

I've published six books now -- three with three different publishers (American School of Needlework, Voyageur Press and the Kansas City Star), and three self-published. One book (Hanky Panky) went into 13 printings -- almost unheard-of for a craft book.

    My own experience has been that each book is different. Today's post is on having a publisher publish your book -- tomorrow, I'll give my take on self-publication.


First, there's the effort of interesting them -- and getting a contract. You may get an advance, which helps fund your lower-income writing periods. (Then again, that advance comes out first before you get a cent of your royalties.) And if the book sells well, the royalties come in handy, and they continue to flow until your book goes out of publication. (About 3-5 years, if you're lucky.)

Don't think, however, that the publisher will do a lot of promotion for you -- they won't. A prominent mention in their sale catalog, yes. A full-page ad or two when the book first comes out: maybe. Review copies to various publications and blogs: only if you initiate it. (And insist on it. I knew of publishers that automatically sent their new books, when I was the book review editor at Quilter's Newsletter. My publishers, however, have not, although Voyageur Press was willing to ship to the list of people I suggested.)

   But the primary benefit, as a teacher, judge and appraiser, is much more subtle. People read your book -- and want to meet the writer. People read your book -- and decide that you are an authority on that subject. Or your expertise is worth trusting more. Those assumptions all lead to more gigs teaching, judging and appraising. A further bonus: I can sell books at these venues, giving me even more income. (Not to mention added royalties.)
    You don't make a lot of money selling books -- it costs a great deal to get them wholesale. After I pay the publisher, I only get a limited amount of $$ per book. And the money is tied up in those books, until they're sold. If a rainstorm from an open window damages them -- as happened recently to a pile of Quilts of the Golden West -- well, Brickworks is out of pocket. Too bad.

The final issue is copyright. When I first started publishing with others, it was assumed that I would retain the copyright. When I approached ASN in the past few years with another book idea, though, they insisted they would hold the copyright. My words, my patterns -- their property forever!? I don't think so. (Had that book been accepted, I would have countered by offering the copyright for five years -- then it would revert back to me. I think they would have gone for it, but there's no way of telling for sure.)

So -- is it best to have someone else publish the book for you? On the plus side:
    *You make royalties -- and sometimes an advance, as well
    *They'll do a great job (pick your publisher carefully, for this reason)
    *Their distribution network is generally much larger than yours
   *They'll do (some) advertising
   *Having a book published by a reputable publisher doesn't hurt, status-wise

And on the negative side:
   *They may be difficult to work with -- or make changes you don't want
   *They may demand the copyright
  *They may not keep your book in print for very long
  *They may do little -- or no -- advertising, or sending out review copies

Tomorrow -- What about Self-Publishing, Instead?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wal-Mart Deals for Black Friday

Get a sneak peek at the sales flyer, courtesy of the Wal-Mart website...

$1.96 DVDs, $2.97 crockpots, and more.

Weekend Dithering


Except I have a ton of errands to do, including finishing up a play that's overdue, for the Junior Church kids on Christmas Eve. No leisurely evening, either -- we need to cover for the Worship Team that normally does the Saturday night service at church. Sometimes I feel like poor old Mystery Guitar Man... or maybe Beaker.

I'm grateful for things like automatic deposits, quick Christmas gift ideas (gotta start planning for that, too) and this surprisingly good crockpot recipe:

    1 pkg pork loin
    1 can mushroom soup, plus 2/3 can milk and 2/3 can red wine
    2 large serving spoons salsa (I used this terrific avocado version)
    1 teaspoon rosemary -- or not

    1 can green beans (for later)

Mix together, and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Occasionally spoon the developing sauce over the meat, and/or cut it into smaller slices or chunks, to soak up much flavor as possible. Thirty minutes before serving, drain and dump the green beans in. Makes about 4 servings.

Serve with baked potatoes or instant mashed potatoes -- yum.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tonight: On Appraising

Interested in learning more about appraising, as well as dating and valuing quilts and other textiles?
Do you live in the Denver, Colorado area?

I'll be speaking tonight (Thursday, Nov. 18) for the Smoky Hill Quilt Club in Aurora, CO -- general information is here, but the location has been changed to Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church in Aurora.

I'd love to have you join me.

In The Mood for A Little Hanky Panky?

If you've been thinking about getting a copy of my bestselling book, HANKY PANKY CRAZY QUILTS, now's the time! Through Sunday only, you can get a copy of the book for $10.95 postpaid (saving $3!) -- but only by mentioning this post on my blog. (Order as usual, but write CINDY BRICK BLOG in comments. We'll automatically adjust the payment when we process your credit card -- or refund any needed money, if you've paid via Paypal. You can also mail a check -- just put the magic words down on bottom left.)

These books make great Christmas presents -- so do Hanky Pankies. (You can make one in LESS than 10 hours, from first stitch to binding -- wow!)

You can also see Hanky Panky on its Amazon slot -- but don't order it from there. We can't give you this special price, except through the Brickworks website. Your book will arrive ready-wrapped...and we always include a freebie or two, as well.

You've got through November 21, 2010 to take advantage of this special.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Join the Pilgrims - Live on Tuesday, Nov. 16!

Meet a Pilgrim and an Indian...how many chances do you normally have to visit the Pilgrims' home at Plimoth Plantation -- live. It's only a 30-min. field trip -- head here to join.

Come Join Me on Thursday!

I'm speaking for the Smoky Hills Quilt Club in Aurora, CO this week Thursday. The subject: appraisals. How they're done, what they mean, how I do it...and so on. If you're in the neighborhood, come and join me!

The meeting starts at 6:30 Thursday evening, at Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church (21755 E. Smoky Hill Rd. in Aurora. You can mapquest it from your address.)

I'd love to meet you!

Fitting Everything In

It's a long week ahead.

    I've got a ton of stuff to do. And to make things more interesting, Charley, our new dog, is a chewer and explorer. So far, from his grasping jaws, I've rescued Husband's toolbelt, some weird velcroed sheepskin thing (I still don't know what it is, or where he found it), a piece of 1890s calico...and a bag of fireplace ashes he split open all over the sidewalk. (Hey, the dog's an equal opportunity grabber!)

Charley views computer time as poke-Mom-repeatedly-with-a-very-cold-nose-so-she'll-pay-attention. To more important things, of course, like petting drippy-furred dogs. (It's been snowing off and on all day.)

Well, he's a pup 10 months old. He'll learn.

I need to get more stuff done more quickly in less time -- and this blogger has some great ideas. (Thanks, Moneycrashers!) I also have some tricks that work well:

     *Bunch errands. If you're going to the post office, stop by the library and bank, as well. If I have to make phone calls, I'll do them all in one swoop. (Don't answer the phone every time it rings, and save yourself even more minutes -- just return the calls in one group later.)
     *Keep your morning routines to a minimum. My skin dries out easily in the winter -- and a quick shower is better than a leisurely bath. My hair stays glossier if I don't wash it as often, either.
    *If you've got regular tasks, do as much as possible ahead of time, while you're relaxing. I'll wrap extra copies of the books we ship out for orders -- same for freebies. That way, it takes only a minute or two to pack an order.
    It isn't just for the biz, though. I'll write thank-you notes, and Husband pays bills while we watch tv.
    *Get extras. I'll pick up extra boxes of Husband's favorite protein bars, or a tube...an extra dozen eggs...an extra 40-lb bag of dogfood...and I try to keep an extra gallon of milk in the freezer, to minimize additional trips to the store. When I get these items on sale, I pat myself on the back twice!
    *Cook simple meals during times of extra busyness. White cheese dip plus pasta = Pasta Alfredo. Store-made fried chicken. Baked potatoes. Macaroni and cheese. Mix in chopped broccoli or mixed vegetables, and you've got a meal. Make a large pot of soup or chili, eat some and freeze the rest.

     Charley's banging his meal dish around, I've got to get the fried chicken in the oven, and there's dishes to wash. See you later.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

There's a New Brick in the Family!

...and he's kinda furry.
    Charlie is part Chesapeake Bay Retriever, part Lab...and all cute. He's a lovely cream/gold/rust all over, with perky ears and bright golden green eyes. He came from the Dumb Friends League -- maybe he was subdued in his little cage, but at home, he's been anything but! So far, he's done great, with the possible exception of the glass doors that lead outside to the deck -- he can't figure out who that strange dog is in the reflection, and keeps wanting to go out and investigate. :) 
    Buck, our resident Weimie, is less than enthused. But then again, Buck feels this way about all 'intruder' dogs. (For your information, Buck does not think HE is a dog. He is a 'people' who just isn't given the privileges he deserves.) I think he'll get used to the idea in time. Probably he would disagree, if he could type!
    Charlie already is making a place in our hearts. Oh...and his name? Because he's full of the Dickens!
* * * * * *
In other notes, Donna Freedman has some extremely helpful notes for the upcoming holiday season -- including how to save on gift cards and other purchases. Lots of links, too...take a look here.

Our funds are at a minimum, thanks to hospital bills for Husband. Thankfully, though, I've been purchasing gifts all along, as I find them at a good price. There's very little to get, other than maybe a few dollar presents for Christmas stockings -- and Husband's anniversary present. (Dec. 26) I do plan on making the annual stop to the mall, to see Christmas decorations -- but that will have to wait until the girlies have a day off, and time to spend. (I'll take just enough cash for lunch -- and no credit cards, to ease the temptation.)

Charlie's tail almost knocked the row of cups off the coffee table...I'm not used to tails, after living with docked-tail Weimies for decades! Gotta go...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Elf Yourself - One Sample!

Just elfing around...I've got work to do (Husband is muttering over his), but can't help adding Jack, Daughter #1's dog, and Buck to the Elf mix!


Enjoy...and please don't hurt me, Daughters #1 and #2.


If you're dawdling over breakfast (or brunch) this morning, you might enjoy spending it with Ginger. We did!

    Today is full of little doodly errands...plus heading to the Dumb Friends League to look for a little brother or sister for Buck, our very-old Weimaraner. He misses Goonie, who died back in July. So do we.
    Now is the perfect time to think about adopting a dog or cat, if you live in the Denver area -- the Dumb Friends League is offering a $100 discount through the end of November! Adoption includes spaying or neutering, shots and an initial doctor's visit. The final price should be pretty close to free when all's said and done. Get your $100 coupon here.

Supper with friends tonight -- but I have a bunch of business stuff to do first. Have a good weekend yerself.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Charley and Me

...Charles Dickens, that is.

   I'm rather fond of this old boy. I did my Master's paper on his work, and try to read at least a few books by him or about him throughout the year. Scrolling through his museum website (the Charles Dickens Museum in London), I came on a very appealing invitation -- if you visit the museum during the holidays, you'll not only get the usual tour, but a glass of mulled wine (after Dickens' own recipe -- he was a big one for this), mince pie or Christmas cake, and a gift pack! Wow. The invite's here -- I wish I could come up with a good reason for the sudden need to fly to England.

Also -- for those of you who are also fond of Dickens tidbits, Robert Seymour's gravestone has been found and refurbished. (Seymour was the first illustrator -- and some say originator -- of the Pickwick Papers, but committed suicide in a fit of despair after he felt his idea was stolen. Blamed Dickens for it, too.)

And Gad's Hill Place, Dickens' beloved home through his death, will change from a private children's school to a Visitors Centre in 2012. Whoa...maybe I should start saving!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Get Some Guacamole -- Close to Free!

Run, don't walk, over to your Facebook account, and access Wholly Guacamole. They're currently running a $4 coupon that will let you get a nice pot of guac or cheese sauce practically free! (I could even print off two: one for us, one for Daughter #1, who is a sucker for an avocado anytime.) 
   Click on 'Like,' then coupons -- it's just a step after that. These coupons are only good for the first 10,000 printings or so, so don't dawdle.


The sun was shining this morning...and still doing its stuff when I drove into Denver to do some appraisals. By 1:30 p.m., the world was pearl gray, with heavy spatters of rain. That turned into hail. Back into rain. And by the time I hit Dead Man's Curve on the way home (it really is called that), it was flappy globs of snow that stuck to everything, including the highway signs. As of tonight, there are at least 6 or 7 inches of snow sticking to everything, tree branches included...and yet it feels curiously warm outside. We're getting more low temps the rest of the week, though. I just hope the plastic-walled greenhouse Husband set up for me on the patio will make it. It's resting on a concrete foundation -- maybe that will help keep it warm. Maybe I should put some jugs of water in there, to help absorb and release heat at night. Any ideas?

Speaking of, here's a terrific way to turn your favorite magazine photos into stationery, courtesy of Messy Thrilling Life. (I'd read about this in the Tightwad Gazette, too -- have just got to try it.)

And don't miss the sad tale of 4,500 passengers and crew stuck on a Carnival cruise to the Mexican Riviera, that are basically going nowhere, thanks to an engine room fire. No hot water. No air conditioning. (They don't seem to need the latter -- it's only 65 degrees out.) Eating canned crabmeat and Spam. Oh boy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Veteran's Day Free Meals and Discounts

Don't miss out on this, if you or someone you love is/was on active duty or retired in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Many of the specials revolve around Thursday, Nov. 11 -- but some, like a free meal at the Golden Corral, are on Nov. 15, instead.
    Lowe's and Home Depot are both offering a 10% discount for purchases this week through the 11th. Husband (a six-year Navy veteran) and I will probably be headed to Applebee's on Thursday for a free meal.
    Full list is here!

Uptown Girl...and Other Female Muses

Did you know that Billy Joel's song "Uptown Girl" wasn't about Christie Brinkley? (It was actually Elle Macpherson. Go figure.) 
   And Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" was about Caroline Kennedy.
   More about a number of female-inspired songs here. Fascinating.


Wow, what a weekend.

   We had a great time at Caryl May and James' wedding celebration...got home about 9:30 p.m., just in time to do some quick vaccumming and greet Joanie, Joy and Janet, who arrived about 11:00. They finally went to bed, but Daughters, who were both in a feisty mood, wanted to stay up and blab.
   That meant going to Worship Team practice (and dropping one daughter off at the lightrail) on just a few hours' sleep. And having the cousins here meant another trip around, and no Sunday nap. Even more sleep lost.


   The J's leave early this morning, on their way to Michigan. I had planned to get up early anyways, to make them breakfast, but couldn't sleep -- even when I finally had the opportunity. The time change? Or maybe the culprit was some difficult things to consider, including some business decisions on product. I finally got up at 3:30 a.m., and started plowing through those. The worst are done, and I feel better. Now on to breakfast.

Things I Have Learned (Once Again) Through this Weekend:
*Stop worrying about Stuff That Might Happen. It doesn't change anything. You're not better prepared, either, unless you plan, instead of obsessing. Besides, whatever you dreaded doesn't even happen part of the time.
*Poor decisions don't change, whether you make them now -- or try to fudge, put it off and make them later.
*Listen to your gut. If a little voice is speaking that this is not the right fit, or there's a problem brewing, listen to it. Less heartache in the long run. Every single time that I've ignored this little voice, I've regretted it.
*Spend time with the ones you love. Even if it means lost sleep.

Now that, I won't regret. Ever.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Shocking Animal Videos

(Hey, if Shawn Hannity and Greta VanS can use that phrase a lot, so can I!)

A dog catches a salmon -- as it swims across the road. (I'm not making this up. Go look.)

A bear chases a bison down the road in Yellowstone National Park. (Does he catch him? Go see!)

And now I'm off to wash dishes...

Molly Brown House is Having A Party!

You're invited to a free Night at the Museum...tomorrow night (Sat., Nov. 6) from 5-10 p.m. Here's the general information; if you live in the Denver area, it should be great fun! Visit the Molly Brown House Museum website for more information.

Molly Brown House Museum Events

Night at the Museums - FREE event!
Saturday, November 6, 2010 5-10 pm

As part of Denver Arts Week, we invite you to visit the Molly Brown House Museum and more than a dozen other museums, all hosting free extended hours on a fun Saturday night! Free shuttle buses will depart continuously from the Cherry Creek Mall and the Denver Art Museum. Beginning at 4:30 pm on November 6th the Molly Brown House Museum will hand out timed entry passes into the Museum good for that night only. Passes are given out on a first-come, first -served basis until all timed entries for the night are handed out. If you are unable to join us on the 6th, we will have another Free Day for Denver Arts Week on Thursday, November 11th from 10 am to 3:30 pm.

Trying to Get Everything Done

Husband and yours truly found ourselves facing off tonight over something silly. He'd had a long day at work, and both of our computers are acting up. (And we don't know why.) As for me, I'd been trying to cram cleaning in around piano lessons, business stuff and trying to help out for Caryl May and James' wedding tomorrow. (We still don't know for sure when Daughters are coming in, and need to be picked up from lightrail, though I have a better idea now.) Plus I got a nastygram from someone who completely misunderstood my actions (not to mention my motives) about a situation.
   After we got done snarling at each other, I apologized and explained why I was frustrated. He explained why he was frustrated. And at least we're talking better now.
   The cousins called -- they're in Boise, Idaho. They figure 14 hours to Castle Rock, since they're going slower than usual. (Mapquest says it's about 12 hours drive.) They won't leave until 7 a.m. tomorrow morning.
   Hope sprang in my breast. That would put them in town probably about 8 or 9 p.m. The wedding is at 5 tomorrow; reception at 6 p.m. I should be able to stay through the wedding and a good-sized chunk of the reception, with no worries. (Dave and the girls can stay as long as they want.)
   This may work, after all, with God's grace.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Airlines, Carryons and Checked Bags

I just finished an interesting post from Liz Weston, financial guru-ette, on why airlines should charge for carryons. Liz doesn't understand why people lug on those pull-suitcases-with-wheels, and try to stuff them into the bins, especially when they get on last of all, and could gate check them, instead.


I've made several flights this past month, and can speak to this, especially after a lovely flight from Grand Rapids, MI to Atlanta,GA, via Delta Airlines. (I was headed to Denver -- so the airline routed me south and east instead. I felt like a UPS package. Go, Delta.) 

Thanks to the Mama and several goodies I'd found, I was bringing home a heavier carryon suitcase than I'd brought. Much heavier, in fact. My group was one of the last called (not my choice, Liz!), and by the time I got on board, the plane was stuffed to the gills. With people and luggage. As I trudged to the back of the plane, the stewardess sweetly pointed out a tiny space in the very back: "You can put your suitcase there." (Hint to Liz: I TRIED to gate check the suitcase, and was told by the gate person, "We don't ever do that," in snotty tones suggesting I'd insisted on flying the plane myself.)

I puffed a little, trying to push the suitcase in. It didn't fit. I ended up in the back galley, pulling out stuff until finally the suitcase had a lower profile. (I had to push it into another bin, which entailed dirty looks from the people who had stuff in there already. It barely fit.) Then, holding my extra shirts in my arms, I had to make the people in my row stand up, so I could get in. They weren't tiny, nor were they polite. The rest of the flight I spent making myself as small as possible, and causing no trouble. (The stewardess, unlike the other staff I'd encountered, was actually quite kind during this embarrassment.)

Ironically, the flight from Atlanta to Denver was no problem. I re-packed the suitcase in the terminal, putting back the shirts, plus several other items from another bag. When time came to board, I didn't dare suggest gate checking. Just puffed on, lifted the bag up...and it slid in, with at least 8-12 inches on top to spare.
   Oh yes...and we were two hours late getting into Denver.

I learned some things from this escapade -- and this month:
*Checking bags is expensive. Two bags I needed to bring kits and samples to L.A. for the cruise cost me $120 roundtrip. At baggage claim, they showed up more banged-up than what they started. (This was United, in case you're wondering.)
*Not all airplane overhead bins are the same size -- even if they're from the same airline
*Some gate people just wish you'd go away -- a fact the Grand Rapids staff made abundantly clear. (I was trying to!)
*Stick with an airline that treats you right -- like Southwest. Not only do they let you check bags for free (Go Southwest!) and have a staff that treats you right...they understand about emergencies. When I was forced to cancel a flight only a few hours beforehand, due to Husband's week-long stay in the hospital, the Southwest rep did not hesitate to reschedule the ticket. When I need it, I can use it. No penalties.

Now that's the way to treat a customer.

Another Look at Self-Worth

Here's some great advice for all of you navel-examiners out there, courtesy of George M. Cohan.

The writer of "Yankee Doodle Boy" really was born on the Fourth of July. (According to his parents and himself, that is -- and his dad was known as a "pillar of rectitude," according to Cohan's biographer. Cohan's birth certificate registered a July 3rd date -- probably a clerical error, according to said biographer.) If you're curious for more about this talented, bossy, generous man, look for George M. Cohan: the Man Who Owned Broadway by John McCabe.

Anyhow, here it is, from Cohan's play The Return of the Vagabond:

I'm the best pal that I ever had,
I like to be with me;
I like to sit and tell myself
Things confidentially.

I often sit and ask me
   If I shouldn't or if I should
And I find that my advice to me 
   Is always pretty good.

I never got acquainted with
   Myself til here of late;
And I find myself a bully chum,
    I treat me simply great.

I talk with me and walk with me
    And show me right and wrong;
I never knew how well myself
    And I could get along.

Just get together with yourself
   And trust yourself with you;
And you'll be surprised how well yourself
   Will like you if you do.

Feeling French

The Everyday Minimalist makes an interesting case for French women -- that they're more put together than their American counterparts because they:
    *Don't try as hard to 'be liked, or like everybody else'
    *Don't worry about extra poundage
    *Accept themselves for what (and who) they are
    *Give their personal lives latitude -- open space to their partner as well as themselves
   *Wear the same clothing over and over, with small changes

(Here's the L.A. Times article that started EM's musings in the first place.)

I have a tough time believing that 'honesty =being rude to everyone' is a positive thing. (EM just says that quality is refreshing.) I'd love to say this, as well as the other statements, is blowhard stuff...but a good friend's experience gives me pause. She was more than endowed with her share of curves, and unfortunately understood enough French to overhear several discussions about her weight. (And they weren't nice about it, either.)

And how far do you take these precepts? Let your partner sleep around...or do it yourself, because then you are allowing freedom? Accept those little faults about yourself, like cruelty or alcoholism, that make you anything but a better person? Be obnoxious, because then you can say exactly what you want, without considering other people's feelings?

I think I'd rather stick to being an American -- although I did find myself living comfortably on 3-4 changes of clothing this past month, and doing just fine. (The secret is choosing higher quality stuff that's classic in design, then accenting with unusual jewelry or footwear.) Ironically, I am part French...French Canadian!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Home At Last

WHEW...the long month away is finally done. I taught the last Crazy Quilting class Saturday night. (Hi, fellow Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters!!) We had a great time, slinging trims everywhere and traipsing around, admiring fellow students' work. This is one talented bunch in the CQ department.

I feel, though, a bone-deep fatigue, along with the relief. Missed an appraisal appointment yesterday, felt terrible. (Called the person who was actually scheduled today, instead...and thought I had a free slate, that I'd misplanned, since they were today. Didn't look at e-mail, and missed the message from the person who was actually scheduled. Yeowch. Please tell me you don't do this sort of absentminded behavior.) I am starting to realize that a few days off to wash clothes and putter are critical, before I start up again. Otherwise, my body takes that time that hard way -- I miss deadlines and commitments, forget to send birthday cards, etc. Not good.

Aha well. It's a glorious, blue sky day -- and the fall colors are 'sort of' still out there. I've got some work to do. More later. It's just nice to be home.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...