Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I Wish

We're finally having warm weather.

The lilacs are blooming with incredible sweetness. My grandma had a huge lilac bush in her Michigan front yard, and this time of year, I always think of her, digging in the vegetable garden. I won't be having a garden this year, other than tomatoes in pots on the deck. Too many teaching gigs, and helping out with the Mama after her heart surgery on June 4. (I'm here in Wilmington, NC, which is beautiful -- but muggy -- for a while first. We lugged what seemed like a million suitcases into the dorm, for teaching at the North Carolina Quilt Symposium.)

"Don't leave," the newly-greening grass seems to say. "Stay here. We'll be lush...if the chickens would let us." The yard promises warm summer nights with the Brick, sipping iced tea and looking out over the valley from our deck.

I won't be seeing it happening for a while, though. 

Here's a wonderful five-minute lounging chair to make, from Funky Junk Interiors. If you've got a sawhorse, a pallet and a cushion, you've got it made. Directions are here. 

Enjoy. Sigh.

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