Friday, May 30, 2014

Bigfoot A Hoax. Again.

I don't want to say this. 

Good ol' Rick Dyer is smirking once again that he pulled the wool over America's collective eyes on his Bigfoot body. "Coming clean again is necessary to a new start," he wrote on his Facebook page back in April. (Or at least I was told it was on his Facebook page -- I couldn't find any confession. Just advertising for yet another Bigfoot expedition.)
The body was just a synthetic version Dyer paid to have made.

Mr. Bigfoot...or what passes for him in these wacky days

Except this time, I don't think many people believed him.

So...if we think the man's an idiot, and his BF is actually a Big Fake...did he actually succeed?

Another entrepreneur is trying his own version of Dyer's trick by announcing that a real, live Bigfoot is going to be displayed in a circus in New York, come June 7. Then released back to the wild.

Uh-huh. Go figure.

I'm still a true believer in Bigfoot. (And I'm not the only one.) Just not Big Fakes.

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