Sunday, January 14, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Quiet Week

     I wish I could tell you something exciting about my doings lately. 
     There's nothing to tell. With everything that happened last week, and the week before, we just feel kind of numb.
     Baby Macklin's memorial service is this week. I'll be going, thanks to the fleece; the Brick will cover life here. When I booked the plane ticket, I felt badly that I couldn't go right away -- the ticket covered only one day to leave. But God knew. Had I gone then, I would have missed the service...and our niece's birthday. The fleece again! 
     God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.

The passenger who got an entire plane all to herself.

Best-loved grand prize recipes.  (From Taste of Home)  Or, if you're in the mood for Mexican:

Twenty-five Chipotle copycat recipes.

Wasting somebody else's money. Silly, but makes a point.  (From Money Beagle)

Taste of Home's Top Ten 80s Recipes.  Some of these look mighty good.

What happens when you get chills from a beautiful piece of music...Smithsonian explains all.

Bacon buns -- turns out this easy stuffed roll is a classic Lithuanian dish called Lasineciai. (The things I learn, researching for you!) Good with soup, freeze nicely, too.  (From The Spruce)

Here's a version where you boil the bacon and onion first. The name's different, too:  Ausytes. ( From Karen's Kitchen Stories)

Fifteen discounts for seniors. The Brick generally qualifies; sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. The article makes a point, however: just asking if they offer a discount may net you one.

The Maine Italian -- a sandwich! They're called that, by the way, from Italians who opened a shop in Portland. Go to the Amatos website, if you're curious, or here for another version. (From Genius Kitchen)

Ten mysterious lost treasures. Several here I've never heard of before.  (From Listverse)

Roasted butternut squash.  Easy and delicious.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month). Also from Mavis:

Christmas party at her mom and dad's. And I thought I was the only one who gave slightly weird gifts...I get a huge kick out of Mom's freebie gift boxes.

How to survive on $100/month for food.  (An interesting Reddit thread)

A sensory snowglobe.  (From Make Do Homemaker)

Have a good week.

The Colorado version of GPS...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.