Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Writin', Restoration and Research

     This week starts a new cycle of activity for us. The Tuesday Morning work is done; Christmas tree is down and ornaments are put away. We don't even have commitments at church for the next few weeks. 
     I plan to use this time to finish up several restoration jobs for clients, write a chapter or two of the book, and take at least two trips for research, with the Brick taking photos and me notes. 

     Oh -- and Take Care of the chickens. Their time has come.

Seven phrases Christians bring up -- that aren't biblical.  (From Crosswalk)

Iceballs on Lake Michigan's shores.  This is one odd video...

Recycle your takeout -- don't waste a bit of it!  A classic from Poor Girl Eats Well, one of my favorite bloggers. She's back in action after months (and sometimes years) of silence.

Discrimination can go the other way?!? You bet -- when a student disagrees with a professor, and he uses his influence to try to 'get' her. (P.S. He's Native American; she's not.) Shades of Ward Churchill...

Betty White just turned 95. Her secret to a long and happy life? Vodka and hot dogs, "probably in that order." Happy Birthday, Betty -- have a Chicago dog for me!

The FBI is reportedly opening an investigation (again) into the Clinton Foundation's practices. The primary subjects: Hillary Clinton's e-mail server (again) and 'pay-for-play politics.'
     Do I think anything substantial is going to come from this? Naah. Will it force the Clintons to stop (or at least curtail) accepting fat speaking fees and donations, in return for political favors? Hopefully.

Recipes readers loved in 2017 -- and hated!   And they're the SAME recipes mentioned in both ends of the spectrum. (Thanks, Betty Crocker)

2017: the 'best worst year.'  An interesting review from Financial Samurai.

A second Viking site in North America??  Quite possibly...300 miles south of the documented one.

Ten strange sideshow people from P.T. Barnum's museum.  (Thanks, Listverse)

Opulent ornaments -- gorgeous balls, using Paula Nadelstern's fabric. (From Ami Simms' blog, Through the Eyes of A Quilter)

A Munchausen victim explains why she doesn't deserve to be in jail for murdering her mom -- the person who did those awful things to her in the first place. I've followed this story for years, but would remind her, 'Two wrongs don't make a right, babes.'

"My Widowed Life." An amazing short blog done by a woman whose husband died suddenly in a motorcycle accident.

The man who 'accidentally' killed a girl on the San Francisco pier only gets time served for his gun charge. No doubt we're supposed to feel relieved, because he has another trial coming up for more charges. I don't. (Here's the basic story, if you're not sure what I'm talking about.)

Five people (or groups) who got the shaft for their contributions, movie credit-wise.  (From Cracked)  Also:

Four creepy architectural features hidden in citiesGuillotine foundation stones in Paris? Cages for criminals (in this case, Anabaptists), hanging off cathedrals? Gentle Reader, we've got 'em here.

How the Colt pistol gained its fame.  (From Smithsonian)

Beautiful tiny houses...

And if you enjoyed that...

How 2 adults, 3 kids and 2 dogs live in 300 sq. ft.  
    Surprisingly well!  (Just did the math, and we'll be living, with two dogs, in 240 sq. ft. when we move into our trailer. And I KNOW we can do this comfortably.)

Kevin and Ruth's travel year in review.  We've been avidly reading this trailer-traveling couple's blog all year. They sent me here to:

A website dedicated to free campsites.  Comes in handy for all sorts of camping...

Crockpot lasagna soup.  All the taste, not as much work.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month)

Ten people with secret families -- who got caught.  (From Listverse)

Have a great week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.