Sunday, January 21, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Michigan -- And Home

I'm here for a few more days, spending time with The Mama and family. It has been an unusual visit, but I've been happy to be able to hang out with a cousin here and there, and see our nieces and nephews. Unfortunately, several family members have some kind of horrible flu that's going around the state, so I haven't seen much of them. But that's the way it goes. I do NOT want to bring this stuff back home as a souvenir. 
     Life goes on. But sometimes it does that because you trudge through. 
     After getting snow for weeks, it's brown and dreary here in Michigan -- warmer temps and rain melted everything but the most stubborn snowpiles. Colorado, on the other hand, got paved with 9 or 10 inches of white! Go figure. But I'm supposed to get a snowy push home from the Mitten State later this week. 

50 books free to read -- from Project Gutenberg.  (the list, thanks to The Simple Dollar)

Where monarch butterflies go to spend the Mexico.  (a trip report from Kevin and Ruth)

Ten ways to clear out a smelly house(From Donna Freedman, via MoneyTalksNews)

Estate planning; how affluent art collectors do it. Buying for value, versus personal taste. Or doing both!  (From Wealth Advisor)

An early Rembrandt found in a basement auctions for a million bucks...then resells for $4 million!

18 ways people allowed themselves to be scammed. Ouch.  (From Cracked) Also:

5 secrets of famous movie costumes. Game of Thrones cloaks made from IKEA rugs?!?

Same theme, but focusing just on Star Wars costumes.  (From Co.Design)

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.