Sunday, January 28, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Stitchin', Stitchin'

I rarely get time to sew, just for fun...and this week is no exception. At least I'm doing three restoration jobs -- restitching two kids' quilts, plus a wool coverlet. When you're shivering, due to flu, a warm quilt on the lap is a pleasure. I use silk thread and tiny stitches; they make a real difference in the finished product. 
     That's the interesting part of this week. Other than that, it's taking care of correspondence, clearing away and tidying up. Exciting, huh...

Morguefile photo

A blue moon, supermoon and lunar eclipse are all going to coincide with each other -- for the first time in 150 years.   Set your reminder for the evening of Jan. 30.

Ice storm musings.  (From Funky Junk Interiors)

Ten historical mysteries that will probably never be solved. From Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance to the whereabouts of Cleopatra's tomb.  (Thanks, Live Science)

"The seven best financial moves our family made in 2017."  (From Medium Sized Family)

The 'cursed' candy kiss of Canada.  Which isn't, really...some other interesting posts here, as well, including ancient mounds and a hidden Prohibition whiskey distillery that may be the origin of 'Pokey Moonshine.'  (From Ottawa Rewind)

"It's Amazing Out There:"'s top 50 photos from its 2017 contest.

Ten works of art found 'hiding' in plain sight.  (From Listverse)

24 Oscar snubs, nominations and surprises.

Seven-Layer Pizza Dip...oh my.  (From Crazy for Crust)

"I wasn't a Trump supporter -- but I am now. Here's why."  (From the Chicago Tribune)

A wedding, from start to finish -- for $2000?  Sure, with a little help from family and friends.

How chevron designs became 'king' in Venetian beadmaking.  An excellent antique-to-modern look by Robert Tymstra.

Five tips for easier photo-editing(From Thistlewood Farms)

The Clotilda, America's last slave ship (or so we think), may have been found, thanks to recent storms. (From Smithsonian)

Breaking Bad's most disgusting question...or is it? Also, a quick look at hot buttered Pop-Tarts, a combo that never even remotely occurred to me.

Want to see a bobcat up close(r)?  This one was wandering around a neighborhood next to ours. (From a NextDoor neighbor, who posted it on Youtube:)

Since I'm on a wildlife kick --

Bald eagles. Floating down the Mississippi on ice chunks. "Just chillin,'" the caption says. Looks like that's the case. (Accuweather, thanks)

Have a great week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.