Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kindness Always Means Something

These just spoke to my heart. Hopefully they will to yours, too.

And to the man who paid our toll during a busy rush hour traffic day in Chicago...

    Thank you. This post is dedicated to you.

This is the same woman mentioned in my blogpost a few days ago...says a lot about her love for her horse.

Very gutsy...

It's so hard to admit when you messed up. But not only to admit it, but fix it...that's true dignity.


gocrazywithme said...

These stories all helped me on a rainy (thank God for the rain) morning when the other news on my feed is all greed and corruption.

Cindy Brick said...

You're welcome! I was starting to feel the same way. These stories remind me that there's still good out there. There always has been -- it's just not always the popular, or vote-getting, or trendy thing to mention.

Thanks for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.