Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Book Signings and Such

We're back, from three book signings...and some surprises. 
    The most successful spot? The Costco book signings! Both times, we sold LOTS of books.

The worst? Ironically, Barnes & Noble. (My guess is that it has something to do with volume. Hardly anyone was wandering around the Friday before Halloween in that store.)

And the most fun? The Firefighters Museum. The kids were fascinated by the misting machine. (Thanks, cousin Joy, for the suggestion.) No ghostly visitors, but lots of real ones. 

Plus a strange one...
 This week, it's back to appraising...and continuing to catch up. Okay with me. 

Remember him? A long look at William Pratt... better known as Boris Karloff.  (From Sightings At 60)

Five ghostly encounters people say they experienced. (The presentation and photos are scarier sometimes than the actual event. But hey, it's Halloween...why not.)

From, via Pinterest

Dozens of quotes about the Devil! These are illuminating, and often remind me of C.S. Lewis' memorable Screwtapes Letters.

"The creepiest thing that ever happened to you.  From Cracked readers.

'Christmas creep.' Why is Christmas sneaking up, when Halloween isn't even over yet?  (From Surviving and Thriving)

Perfect cooked rice...25 minutes.  (From Thrifty Mom in Boise)

What everyone is getting wrong about FIRE...according to Mr. Money Mustache. Including Suze Orman...

But she may have changed her mind. (According to Afford Anything.) Of course, ol' Suze is also insisting a million isn't enough -- you need at least $5 million to retire. I'll remind the Brick of that, as his 3 1/2 year anniversary comes up. (No, we don't have $5 million, or even a million in our accounts. Oh well.)

The Arctic explorer who wanted to 'do' the South Pole solo -- and paid for it with his life.

One of Julie Swetnick's 'corroborators' says she was clear from the getgo that she did NOT back up Swetnick... and told her high-powered lawyer so. (A second source cited by Swetnick also denied her claims.) NBC News knew this from Sept. 30 and didn't mention it...sick sick sick. Makes you wonder even more about the 'fairminded' coverage of Kavanaugh's hearings, doesn't it.

BUT -- one of my new blogger friends, Barbara at Living Richly in Retirement, pointed out:
    "It occurs to me that if the current candidate for higher court had just said something like 'I was young and stupid in college, and I partied and I drank. I don't remember this incident but I apologize to Ms. for any pain I caused her,' or the equivalent [ed. like 'any pain she endured'], he would probably be sitting on the bench now. His mistake..."

I think she's right. A lot of agony and accusations would have shut down pretty quickly. Then again, we've seen pride get in the way before. 

The dog at McDonald's who pretends to be a stray...for burgers!

Revenge for having your lunch stolen at work. Don't miss the comments -- they're almost as good as the article!

Ten money mistakes that will keep you from retiring.  (a guest post from ESI Money)

The oddity cabinet -- a classic from yours truly.

An 11-acre Hawaiian island wiped off the map.  Thanks to a recent hurricane.

How to stay faithful, according to Michael Caine: Take your partner with you. The Pence Rule is looking better and better. (The Brick and I try very hard to follow this -- and it helps.)

A University of Maine professor offers course credit to students willing to bus down and protest Kavanaugh's selection in the Supreme Court hearings. Hey, that's showing an impartial response! (She's no longer teaching, for some shocking reason...)

Lavender pills ease anxiety?!?  I dunno...but lavender's smell is very calming.

Signs that your employees (or someone else) may be stealing from you. Aarghgh.

Three 'new' (actually, incredibly old) shipwrecks found -- that may change history!

Lotto winners through the years -- a slide show.

Rice and beans -- a much-requested recipe made famous by the Frugalwoods.

Does Bigfoot roam Yellowstone? This video is from the Old Faithful webcam, shot on Christmas Day...looks like he brought his family with.

A history of the London Zoo, including this interesting tidbit: in the 18th century, you could pay your admission by bringing a cat or dog to be fed to the lions! (Ewww...)

'My favorite book inscription from 76 years ago:' a review of  Marjorie Hillis' Live Alone and Like It is included. One of the most practical entertaining how-tos out there, even if it's gained antique status now.

Have a great week. Go out and enjoy the warmth, if you can...our temps have been in the 60s and 70s, here on the flatlands in Colorado. But there's always this little edge in the air, once the sun goes down. 
     Winter's coming.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.