Sunday, October 14, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Kalamazoo!

    I'm here in Michigan with The Mama...but only for a few more days. 

Then it's off to the Log Cabin Quilters in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

I'll be doing the "There Must Be A Story Behind That Quilt" lecture on Tuesday night, Oct. 16.

Then teaching a "Quilts with Secrets" class on Wednesday, including a brand-new pattern, just for the guild! 

Go here for more info -- hope to see you there.

The Brick tells me our part of Colorado had snow. Daughter #2's neck of the woods (Nederland) got it too: 9 inches. Colorado's fall colors are just winding up.

The aspen near Daughter #2 and Son #1's house...nice
Meanwhile, The Mama's part of Michigan (Grand Rapids and parts north) is glorious with fall colors. You haven't seen red and orange until they're bursting out of a maple tree. Sure, it's cold here, and a little rainy. But who cares, with all those amazing fall colors!

The 'high rollaway' near Croton & Hardy dam -- and this is just starting to gear up!

The maple near The Mama's farmhouse -- also just starting

Also high rollaway... just beginning. It's much brighter this weekend.

Entries are sparse this week; I have not been able to spend much time online. But for what they're worth, here they are.

An 'emotional support squirrel:' now I've seen everything.

"If I can prevent at least one kid from going through what my kid goes through every day, I will do whatever it takes [that] I have to:"  a very interesting report by a concerned mom. (From Denver's newest paper, the Colorado Sun)

The strange story of a Saudi journalist who disappeared while trying to register for marriage with his Turkish fiancee. Authorities now think he's dead -- murdered for his views.

A Christian-American pastor finally released by a Turkish court. Makes you wonder if the Turkish Christians were released, too.

Samantha Markle, the Duchess of Sussex's big-mouthed sister, now insists that their father HAS met Prince Harry... but in a secret meeting. (Gee, it's not so secret anymore.) Furthermore, instead of characterizing him as a spineless "hamster," she's now calling him "gentlemanly." (Harry, that is -- not her dad.)
     What a turnabout. Does she really think Meghan will magically forget all her previous insults and rudeness by these latest 'nicey' comments? Now that the Duke and Duchess are pregnant, Samantha is threatening, "If my dad is excluded, I won't be happy." Shoot, she wouldn't be pleased unless she's center stage -- not them. If that happened, Markle Senior would quickly be shoved aside.

Ten lights that have puzzled scientists.  (From Listverse) Also from them:

Ten inventions inspired by plants and animals.

And for those who don't follow football:
   Michigan won.  In fact, they creamed Wisconsin.
   CU lost.  (But by less than thought -- they played a tough team.)
   The Broncos lost. (I don't want to talk about it.)

     The Mama is a big football fan, fueled, no doubt, by Brother's involvement in it for years. It's not hard at all to get her to watch a game. And she has cable.

Have a great week. If you're in the Kalamazoo area, stop by and say hi.


Susan said...

I found your blog via Phoebe Moon's Scrapdash blog. Hello from a fellow Grand Rapids citizen.

Nancy said...

Your book sounds amazing. I wish I had known you had a trunk show in K-Zoo. I actually live about 4 miles from High Rollway! The colors are still fairly good not considering the rain and wind we have had.

Cindy Brick said...

Susan, I grew up in Sparta, not far from GR, and went to Cornerstone University, plus Calvin... Grand Rapids and I have fond connections. My brother's family lives there still, as do a bunch of cousins.
Even though we've lived in Colorado longer than Michigan by several years, I can't get rid of the accent -- or the habit of using my hand to show where I grew up. (Which amuses the Brick, who is North Carolina-bred, to no end!) Guess you can take the Michigander out of the state -- but you can't take the state out of the Michigander.

Nancy, every year our family would go up to Croton and Hardy dams, plus the High Rollaway, to see the fall colors. My grandparents had friends there, and would sometimes rent a cabin, or bring their trailer up to camp.
My folks would usually just go for a day -- but we always got bags of caramel corn from the wagon that would park at the High Rollaway. (We got popcorn, if anything, the rest of the year -- to our Hollander hearts, caramel corner was too *expensive.* Most of the time, we bought nothing.)
True to form, The Mama had a bag of caramel corn ready when we made our trip this year. I love that lovely are lucky to be able to live there.

Thank you both for writing!


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.