Monday, October 8, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Today's the Day!

Yes, Gentle Readers, my book Ghosts & Legends of Colorado's Front Range has finally been released. It's the product of years of research, and months of writing, with stories you won't find anywhere else. (I know. I checked.)
     We haven't gotten our books yet -- soon -- but we're offering a special. Ghosts and Legends retails for $19.99, but we'll ship your first edition copy, signed by yours truly, for only $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Buy more than one, and they're $15.99 each -- still at $3 total shipping!) E-mail me at to reserve your books. We'll send them on, once we receive them at the Brickworks offices.
     I'll be doing some book signings locally, as well as telling ghost stories at the Firehouse Museum's trick or treat night in Denver (pictured on the front cover) Oct. 21. If you're in the Denver area, it's the perfect time to learn more. I'll have that schedule later in the week. 
     Meanwhile, I'm slated to do a phone interview Tuesday the 9th at 8:20 a.m. MST. Tune your radio to KEZW 1430 am for Rick Crandall's "Breakfast Club" show for more.

So what else has been happening?

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Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court Judge -- with a 50-48 vote. You could have knocked me over with a feather; I figured he didn't have a chance.  Bits and pieces about this subject, if you care to indulge... that is, if your upchuck reflex is still holding steady:

Did Judge Kavanaugh's mom beat up on Dr. Ford's parents during a hearing, decades ago?  Actually, this is one of the strangest ironies of this whole situation.  (From Snopes)

A highly interesting interview with Dr. Blasey-Ford's long-term ex-boyfriend... who contradicts pretty much everything she's been saying. It's worth reading and thinking about -- even if you believe she's telling the truth. (I believe she believes she's telling the truth -- but there are so many vague spots that should be firm that I wonder...)

This is interesting, too. Not what I would call unbiased news, by any means. But worth considering, particularly the Google angle.

Another interesting commentary -- this one about Debbie Ramirez, Judge Kavanaugh's second accuser.

And yet another about Kavanaugh's third accuser to come forward.

You read -- and decide for yourself whether this changes things or not. (I'm still not sure myself.)

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This is an odd one -- an admitted risk-taking performance artist is attacked -- by a man who whacks her with a painting he did of her face! She's ok, he got arrested...and she says she feels nothing but compassion for him. (From Artnet)

Ten years of Irish farming hunks -- and their latest calendar. Yum. But then, I'm partial to my Irish engineer hunk!  (From Irish Central)

"Why I bought 180 packages of chocolate."  (From Penniless Parenting)

The woman who held her horse's head up for three hours above the older story, but a heartening one. 

The $19 million lottery winner who's in jail now -- for robbing banks. On the same subject:

These lottery winners did much more good with their check.

Ten ancient sites said to be portals to... ?  I'm surprised they didn't mention the secret places of Machu Picchu, but Stonehenge is on the list.  (From Listverse)

Historic Mysteries: a Very Cool website with many unusual stories. I plan to visit this one regularly.

Metal detecting finds -- some very cool ones.

The famous historical bigfoot attack site at 'Ape Canyon' is found -- researchers think.  (From Roadtrippers)

A 'Jason' statue is removed as being 'trash' -- from the bottom of a lake. Scuba divers have been going down to gawk at it...

All sorts of interesting DIY projects -- many of them using everyday materials.  (From The Farmers Nest)

Have a great week. Enjoy the fall leaves in your neck of the woods.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...