Yesterday afternoon, I set out to do errands -- a lot of errands.
Here's how it went:
*Trudge out to the truck, loaded down with packages to mail, purse, list, etc. etc. Ruby and Charley try to slip out underneath your legs. (After all, they want to 'go for a ride,' too.) The Brick drags them back, just before they trip you on the sidewalk. Shove everything in, dogs watching sadly from the living room window. List instantly disappears.
*Post office first -- it closes in less than 5 minutes. Make it barely in time.
*Library next -- only then, realize that you forgot to bring the dangerously overdue video and books -- the reason you were going to the library in the first place.
Stop anyways. Pick up a book on hold. Check the used sale room. (Nothing good.)
*County building next, to drop off yours and the Brick's votes. (So proud that we did this early. If you haven't voted yet -- you need to!) Get there -- the ballots are nowhere in sight. Search the truck. Did they fall out at the post office?
*Drive back to the post office. Maybe the ballots fell on the ground while unloading. Nope. Must have been left on the counter inside... Doofus.
*Pick up a prescription at Target. While there, the pharmacy tech says another one has just arrived: 'Want to wait for it?' So you do. At least these people don't treat you like Safeway.
While getting in the truck, suddenly notice the missing ballots. They, plus a few packages, accidentally fell into the side door pocket. No wonder you couldn't find them.
Heave a sigh. Resolve to deal with it after groceries. (By now, the sun is going down and it's suppertime.)
*First, the dollar store-- filled with little kids screaming in Spanish. It's the same as in English, of course: 'I want this/that,' 'So and so is picking on me,' 'Mommm....where are you,' etc etc. Children are the same everywhere, no matter what language they're yelling/shoving in.
Lots of last-minute Halloween party-throwers, filling their carts up with flashy decorations. You're stuck behind one at checkout, with a clerk who feels a desperate need to comment on every item as she (slowly) rings them up.
Realize, once the chatty clerk has finally bagged your order, that two items are still hiding in the cart. By now, a huge line has formed behind you, too.
Decide you didn't need them, after all.
Realize, going out the door, that you forgot milk -- the whole reason for groceries, in the first place. Oh well, Safeway's not far from the post office.
Where you're going.
Trudge back UP to where the truck is parked...this time, with much heavier bags. By now, it's dark, and clouds are swirling around the moon. Temperature's dropping. Tired, hungry... just tired.
*Circle back into town. Drop off the vote ballots. Stop at the post office a THIRD time, and use the machine in the lobby for postage. (Thank God for that.)
*Turn toward Safeway, via the four-way stop. Look to your left - everything's fine. Start turning -- then suddenly notice the huge semi on the RIGHT, turning the same direction. (It was a Good Humor truck. I swear.) Gun it -- and miss him by perhaps a foot. Maybe two.
Thank God and His assigned guardian angel, then apologize to both of Them for being such an idiot. Since the truck driver is also turning into Safeway, prepare to grovel and apologize to him, too.
(Whew. He didn't go inside yet. He's yelling on the phone about something. Probably me.)
*Groceries at Safeway, including some bargains...but too tired to care. Pizza's on sale -- guess what's for supper.
By now, it's 8 p.m. and the parking lots are deserted. Drive tiredly home, to be greeted by a worried Brick: "WHERE have you been??" (He also unloads the bags, the sweet guy.) Put the pizza in the oven, and the groceries away. The dogs are hungry -- feed them. Then finally...sit down and feed yourself.
Oops, a frozen veggie bag never was put away, you realize hours later.
And the library books still need to be returned.
Everyone has days like this.
But at least you're finally home.

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